Flavor Blurb
main skill - can learn 1? 3? spells from *mage* classes. Cast with their Focus, always at 2x costs.
Alternative - can craft a gizmo that lets them cast a specific spell from any class with a +x cost rider. Total cost limited by class level.
Specs - can create multiple gizmos, or, speed up re-creation time, or, reduce cost multiplier
At level 1, gain the following features:
Kinetic Sink. When you take Common Damage, you may spend Stamina to gain Mana up to your Capacity, at a rate of 3 Stamina per 1 Mana. The amount gained cannot exceed the amount of damage you took.
Convert Energy. At the start of your turn, before your Recovery Phase, you may convert Mana into Stamina as a Free Action. Roll one of the following: 2d4, 2d6, or 2d8. You expend that much Mana, and gain that much Stamina. You take half as much Kinetic Damage.
Kinetic Critical. Whenever you score a critical hit with a weapon, you may expend any amount of Mana, and the target must succeed on a Might Check against your (Spell Check + plus the amount of Mana you spent). If it fails, it is pushed 5ft. directly away from you, in addition to any other effects and damage the attack inflicts (including other knockback effects). If the creature failed by 5 or more, it is Knocked Down.
Dynamancer Training.
Alternative - can craft a gizmo that lets them cast a specific spell from any class with a +x cost rider. Total cost limited by class level.
Specs - can create multiple gizmos, or, speed up re-creation time, or, reduce cost multiplier
At level 1, gain the following features:
Kinetic Sink. When you take Common Damage, you may spend Stamina to gain Mana up to your Capacity, at a rate of 3 Stamina per 1 Mana. The amount gained cannot exceed the amount of damage you took.
Convert Energy. At the start of your turn, before your Recovery Phase, you may convert Mana into Stamina as a Free Action. Roll one of the following: 2d4, 2d6, or 2d8. You expend that much Mana, and gain that much Stamina. You take half as much Kinetic Damage.
Kinetic Critical. Whenever you score a critical hit with a weapon, you may expend any amount of Mana, and the target must succeed on a Might Check against your (Spell Check + plus the amount of Mana you spent). If it fails, it is pushed 5ft. directly away from you, in addition to any other effects and damage the attack inflicts (including other knockback effects). If the creature failed by 5 or more, it is Knocked Down.
Dynamancer Training.
- Choose either Medium Armor Training or Heavy Armor Training.
- Then, choose three perks form the following list: Medium Weapons Training, Large Weapons Training, Giant Weapon Training, Improvised Weapon Training, Thrown Weapon Training.
Class Skills
Gravitic Blow (3+) Range: Self Type: Magic Use: Free Action Activation Cost: 3+ Mana Tags: Attack Buff, Forceful When you deal damage with a weapon attack, you may activate this ability to imbue the strike with gravitational manipulation. You add +1d4 Kinetic Damage to the attack. This ability may be combined with Careful or Power Attacks. Upcast: For every additional 3 Mana spent on this spell, add an additional 1d4 Kinetic Damage. Column of Burden (6+/6+) Range: 30ft., 10ft. Radius Type: Magic Use: Action Activation Cost: 6+ Mana Sustaining Cost: 6+ Mana Tags: AoE, Debuff Speed, Debuff Attack Choose a point within range. You multiply the effect of gravity on all creatures within a 10ft. Radius ofthat point, reducing their speed and capabilities in combat as they are dragged down.
Upcast: For every additional 3/3 Mana spent to Activate/Sustain this spell, the Speed penalty increases by -5ft and the Attack penalty increases by -1. Sunder (4) Range: Touch Type: Magic Use: Action Activation Cost: 4 Mana Tags: Debuff, Utility You set up conflicting gravitational and magnetic forces within an object, pulling it apart with its own weight and mass. This ability may be used in two ways:
Magnetized Strikes (3+/1+)
Range: Self Type: Magic Use: Action Activation Cost: 3+ Mana Sustaining Cost: 3+ Stamina Tags: Attack Buff, Critical You control magnetic fields to direct your weapon to crucial points on your target. So long as you are Sustaining this ability, your Weapon Attacks score a Critical Hit on a roll of 11 or 12. Upcast: For every additional 3 Mana/3 Stamina spent to cast/Sustain this spell, your critical range expands by an additional 1. This ability cannot expand your critical range lower than 9. Aura of Ease (4+/4+) Range: Self, 10ft. Type: Magic Use: Action Activation Cost: 4+ Mana Sustaining Cost: 4+ Mana Tags: AoE, Buff, Aura You reduce the influence of gravity in a radius around yourself. Creatures within 10ft of you have their Speed increased by +5ft., and can jump 10ft higher than they otherwise could, and take 10 less damage from Falling. Affected creatures and objects weigh only 75% what they normally do. Upcast: for each additional 1/1 Mana spent to cast/Sustain this spell, reduce Falling damage by an additional 5 points. Crush (4+/3+) Range: Self, 10ft. Type: Magic Use: Action Activation Cost: 4+ Mana Sustaining Cost: 3+ Stamina Tags: AoE, Debuff, Aura You intensify the effect of gravity in a 10ft. sphere around yourself. All creatures within the affected area have their Speed halved, have a -1d8 Penalty on any check against being Knocked Down, and fall at twice the normal rate. Creatures that start their turn within the affected area take 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage at the start of their turn. Upcast: for each additional 2 Mana/2 Stamina spent to cast/Sustain this spell, increase its radius by 5ft. Inertial Shell (2+) Range: Self. Type: Magic Use: Reaction Activation Cost: 2+ Mana Sustaining Cost: 3+ Stamina Tags: Defense You use your abilities to shunt incoming force through your body and disperse some of it harmlessly into your surroundings. When you take Common or Forceful Damage, you may use your Reaction to activate this ability and spend Mana in increments of 2. Reduce the damage taken by 1 point for every 2 Mana spent. Unshackle/Anchor Mass (1+/1+) Range: Touch Type: Magic Use: Action Activation Cost: 1+ Mana Sustaining Cost: 1+ Mana Tags: Utility This spell has two modes:
To affect multiple objects, you must cast and Sustain multiple instances of this spell. You may choose a different mode for each instance. Upcast: Add/remove an additional 25lbs. for every additional 1/1 Mana spent on this spell. |
If Dynamancer is your Major Class, gain the benefits below as you reach the indicated levels.
Level 1 Absorb Impact. You may use your Reaction to re-roll any Check that would cause you to be Knocked Down or moved against your will (such as a shove, gust of wind, or similar effect). You may choose to use this ability after seeing the result of a Check. You must be in contact with the ground in order to use this ability (i.e. not falling through the air, standing on a carriage or ship, on horseback, etc). Level 2 Choose one:
Choose One: Kinetic Transfer. Whenever you use the Kinetic Sink ability to gain Mana, you may add +1 Kinetic Damage to your next weapon damage roll for each point of Mana you gained. If using Kinetic Sink could have resulted in you gaining more than your Capacity, this ability increases to +1d4 Kinetic Damage per point instead (you still do not gain Mana above your Capacity, but can continue to use the ability to gain extra damage). Biogalvanism. Whenever you take Elemental Damage, you may opt to increase the amount you take by 2. If you do, the next time you deal damage with a weapon or spell, add 1d6+2 Shocking Damage to the roll. Titanic Weapons. So long as you have at least 2 Mana, you can wield a two-handed weapon in one hand. If you use one in your off-hand (during dual wielding), you Level 4 Choose one:
Choose one:
Battering Critical. Whenever you spend at least 1 Mana on the Kinetic Critical ability, you add +1d4 Kinetic Damage to the attack, and the target for the Might Check increases by the same amount. Reflect Pain. When you take Damage, you can use your Reaction to spend 5 Mana. If you do, you can inflict half as much Kinetic Damage to another creature within 5ft. of you. You still take the full amount. Level 7 Choose one:
Choose one:
Improved Absorption. You may use the Absorb Impact specialization (level 1) as a Free Action, not requiring the use of a Reaction. You may use the ability multiple times in the same Round if multiple effects would trigger it, but never more than once for the same effect. Energy Sink. The first time you take damage each Round, roll 2d4. For each 1 or 3 rolled, gain that much Stamina. For each 2 or 4 rolled, gain that much Mana. Level 10 Choose one:
Level 12
Tilt Horizon. You may activate or deactivate this effect at the start of your turn. You create a localized, personal gravity, gaining the ability to walk on vertical surfaces or along ceilings at your normal Speed. You and your possessions are not pulled back to the ground by gravity; you are always pulled towards your own feet, even if you jump or fall. Wherever you move, you must target a surface or fixed object within 10 feet that you draw yourself toward (you cannot levitate or simply “fall” into the sky), or the effect ends immediately. Level 13 Choose one:
Choose one:
Choose one: Soften Impact. You manipulate gravity and your own momentum to land softly at the end of a fall. If you would take damage from falling, you may spend any amount of Mana as a free action. Roll 1d10 for each Mana spent, reducing the damage by the result. If the damage is reduced to zero, you land silently, with no discernable tremor. Meteoric Impact. You weaponize your own momentum as you fall, hurtling toward the ground like a missile. If you would take falling damage, you may spend Mana in increments of 5 as a free action. You create a radius around your point of impact that is 5ft. wider for every 5 Mana spent this way. Falling damage is divided evenly, rounded down, between all creatures in the final radius that are not behind total cover (including you). Level 16 Choose one:
Choose one:
Null-Point. You may render an inanimate object you can touch weightless. Gravity has no effect on it, and it floats as if in free fall. It maintains its inertia, and must be acted upon by suitably powerful outside forces to change its acceleration (the simple version: it takes a really long time for a hummingbird to push a pirate ship off course, even if the ship is weightless)*. As an Action, spend Mana according to the object's size as noted below. You can Sustain this Mana cost as with other spells, except that the effect persists through normal sleep and rest, so long as you maintain enough Mana to Sustain it. You may dismiss this ability as a free action at any time, or it automatically ends if you become incapacitated. You may maintain multiple instances of this ability, dismissing them individually as you choose. Mana cost by object size:
Choose two:
Choose two. You may select the same option twice:
*(cackling in mad scientist) "Physics!" -Chris