We would like to thank the following people for their support and contributions to the Relict project.
Discord Contributors
Awaken Derek the Diligent Fullmetal Potato |
Lone Colossus Games
MaxChillax Michael "Sinbad" Hall Vyyx |
(Listed alphabetically. Community members who opted out not listed).
You can join our Discord by clicking HERE!
You can join our Discord by clicking HERE!
Houndsong Patrons
Curtis M
David T Julie C Kyle Kyle M L**k Luis G Monica G Na***h |
Omar C
Oso P Pen** P** R M* Rh***d Richard W R** B** Sean M Who**n |
(Names alphabetical and anonymized - drop us a line if you want yours changed/removed!)
You can support us on Patreon by clicking HERE!
You can support us on Patreon by clicking HERE!