Touch of Grace, Vessel of Night
Mortals who become Avatars have been touched by a force beyond their world, and made into a vessel for its power. The origin of each is unique - some sought their gifts, others were born into them, cursed by them, or made the pawns of gods and devils through unfathomable machinations of time, place, and fate. Some embrace this, finding purpose or, at least, power in their connection to the beyond. Others buck it, fighting to rid themselves of this other leashed to their very soul. To accomplish such an unmaking - and live - would be a near godly feat unto itself.
At level 1, gain the following features:
Vessel. You have been touched by a power from beyond the material world. Choose one that describes its nature:
At level 1, gain the following features:
Vessel. You have been touched by a power from beyond the material world. Choose one that describes its nature:
- Divine. Once per Rest, you may heal a creature you can touch of 1 Affliction of your choice. A creature can only benefit from this effect once per month. Your Avatar Damage Type is Ardent.
- Infernal. Once per Rest, after you have dealt damage to a creature with an attack or spell, you may deal half as much Infernal Damage to it as well. Your Avatar Damage Type is Infernal.
- Eldritch. Once per Rest, after you have cast a spell, you may make all creatures that can perceive you make a Knowledge check against twice your Spell Save (2x(Might+Knowledge+1/2CL)), gaining the Dissociated condition for 1d4 Rounds on a failure. Your Avatar Damage Type is Eldritch.
Reference Sheets. Add to your Character Packet for a printable quick-reference. Includes Specialization choices checklist for Major, cost multipliers for Minor/Influence.
Avatar Spells
Conduit (2)
Range: Self Use: Action Activation Cost: 2 Mana Tags: Avatar, Retaliate You charge your body with a small amount of your Patron's power. The next time another creature touches you or strikes you with a melee attack, it takes 1d4 damage matching your Avatar Damage Type. Empowered. If you are in your Avatar Form, deal an additional 1d4 damage. Unleash (3) Range: 15ft. Cone. Use: Reaction Activation Cost: 3 Mana Tags: AoE, Avatar, Retaliate When you take damage, you may use your Reaction to emit a burst of power. All creatures in a 15ft. cone oriented directly toward the source of the damage suffer 1d4 damage matching your Avatar Damage Type. Intensified. If you suffered a Condition or Affliction as a direct result of the triggering damage, this ability instead deals 1d8 damage. Lance of Power (6+) Range: 10+ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 6+ Mana Tags: AoE, Avatar, Line You project a column of roiling energy in a 10ft. line. All creatures in the line must make a Precision check against your Spell Check Target (Might + Knowledge + 1/2 CL), taking 2d6+2 damage on a failure or half as much on a success. The damage matches your Avatar Damage Type. Upcast: For every additional +2 Mana spent on this spell, increase the distance of the line by 5ft. Empowered. If you are in your Avatar Form, the range of this spell increases by 10ft., and it deals 2d10+2 damage instead. |
Trailblaze (5)
Range: Self Use: Action Activation Cost: 5 Mana Tags: Avatar, Movement, Utility As part of this spell, make a Movement action, up to your available Speed.
Empowered. If you are in your Avatar Form, you may move an additional 10ft. when you cast this spell. Fetter (4+/4+) Range: Touch Use: Action Activation Cost: 4+ Mana Sustaining Cost: 4+ Mana Tags: Avatar, Grapple, Sustaining You use your power to bind and damage a creature you can touch. It makes a contested Might check against your Spell Check Target (Might + Knowledge + 1/2 CL). On a failure, it suffers the same penalties as if it had been Grappled, except that it takes, and takes 1d4 damage matching your Avatar Damage Type at the start of each of its turns, and you (but not the creature) are still able to cast Somatic spells. It may use Actions to repeat the check on its turn to escape. Upcast: For every additional +1/+1 Mana spent on this spell, increase the target of the Save by 1. Empowered. If you are in your Avatar Form, your speed is not halved during the grapple. |
Torrent (9+/9+)
Range: 15ft.
Use: Action
Activation Cost: 9+ Mana
Sustaining Cost: 9+ Mana
Tags: Attack, Avatar, Sustaining
Make a Spell Attack against a creature you can see within range. On a hit, you deal 1d6 damage matching your Avatar Damage Type. You may choose to Sustain this spell. So long as you're Sustaining it, you may use an additional Action deal an additional 3d6 damage to the same target. If you can no longer perceive the target at any point, or it moves out of range, the spell ends.
Upcast: For every additional +2 Mana spent on this spell, add +1 to your Spell Attack and +1 Damage to each damage die rolled.
Empowered. If you are in your Avatar Form, this spell instead deals 1d12 and 3d12 damage, respectively.
Range: 15ft.
Use: Action
Activation Cost: 9+ Mana
Sustaining Cost: 9+ Mana
Tags: Attack, Avatar, Sustaining
Make a Spell Attack against a creature you can see within range. On a hit, you deal 1d6 damage matching your Avatar Damage Type. You may choose to Sustain this spell. So long as you're Sustaining it, you may use an additional Action deal an additional 3d6 damage to the same target. If you can no longer perceive the target at any point, or it moves out of range, the spell ends.
Upcast: For every additional +2 Mana spent on this spell, add +1 to your Spell Attack and +1 Damage to each damage die rolled.
Empowered. If you are in your Avatar Form, this spell instead deals 1d12 and 3d12 damage, respectively.
Starting Equipment
If Avatar is your Major Class, you get the following equipment at level 1.
Armor & Clothing:
Adventuring Gear & Currency:
If Avatar is your Major Class, gain the benefits below as you reach the indicated levels.
Level 1 Avatar Form. As an Action, you shift into a form supercharged with your Patron's power. See Avatar Forms below for specific effects. Basic Spellcraft. Choose 1 Generic Spell Perk. Level 2 Choose one:
Choose one: Boon of Deeds. In your Avatar Form, when you deal any amount of damage that matches your Avatar Damage Type, gain 1 Mana. Boon of Completion. When your Avatar Form ends as a result of being reduced to 0 Mana, all creatures within 5ft. of you must make a Precision check against your Spell Check Target (Might + Knowledge + 1/2 CL), taking 2d6 damage matching your Avatar Damage Type on a failure, or half as much on a success. Level 4 Choose one:
Choose one:
Choose one: Surly Bonds. When in your Avatar Form, you gain a Flight Speed equal to your Walking Speed + 10ft. If you already have a Flight Speed, it instead increases +10ft. You decide what your method of flight looks like: wings, levitation, a pillar of energy, etc. Superhuman Limit. You can call upon your Patron's power to push yourself beyond mortal limits for brief moments. Before you make a Check, you may choose to add +10 to the result. You may do this once per day for each Core Stat (Might, Precision, Cleverness, Knowledge, Willpower, Fortitude). Level 7 Choose one:
Choose one:
Choose one: Siphon Power. When you take damage that matches your Avatar Damage Type, gain half as many points of Mana, rounded down. If you are in your Avatar Form, do this before you reduce the damage to 1. Transformative Burst. When you adopt your Avatar Form, all creatures within 5ft. of you must make a must make a Precision Check against your Spell Check Target (Might + Knowledge + 1/2 CL). Creatures that fail this check take damage that matches your Avatar Damage Type, equal to your Character Level. Level 10 Choose one:
Choose one: Font of Power. While you are in your Avatar Form, allies within 30ft. of you may use an Action to draw upon you as a source of energy. They gain 2d4+4 points of Mana and Stamina, but take half as much damage matching your Avatar Damage Type. Energy Backlash. When a creature you can perceive casts a spell within 30ft. of you, you may use your Reaction to twist the Ether it's harnessing. The creature makes a Willpower Check against your Spell Check Target (Might + Knowledge + 1/2 CL). On a failure, it takes Ether Damage equal to the amount of Mana used to cast the spell. On a success, it takes half damage, rounded down. If the same spell is countered, this effect happens first. |
Level 13
Choose one:
Choose one:
Choose one: Siphon Essence: Once per Round, while in your Avatar Form, when you deal damage matching your Avatar Damage Type, you may force the damaged creature to make a Fortitude Check against your Spell Check Target (Might + Knowledge + 1/2 CL). On a failure, you gain 1d10 points of Stamina and 1d10 points of Mana, and it loses that many (if it has them). Siphon Life. Once per Round, while in your Avatar Form, when you deal damage matching your Avatar Damage Type, you may force the damaged creature to make a Fortitude Check against your Spell Check Target (Might + Knowledge + 1/2 CL). On a failure, it takes an additional 4 points of damage of that type, and you heal 2d6 points of damage of any one type you choose. Level 16 Choose one:
Choose one:
Level 18 Consign Soul. When you kill a creature in your Avatar Form, you may banish its soul to the domain of your Patron to face its judgement, mercy, or whim. Your Patron rewards you with one of the following boons (you choose):
Gate(*WIP*). As an Action, you summon servants of your Patron to the material plane to do your bidding. Choose one:
Level 19 Choose two:
Choose two. You may select the same option twice:
Avatar Forms
If Avatar is your Major Class, you gain the Avatar Form associated with your Vessel choice, as described below.
While in Avatar Form (any):
- Your Stamina Regeneration doubles.
- Your Mana Regeneration becomes -1.
- When you would use Stamina for any reason, you may instead opt to spend the same amount of Mana (including upcasting). If you do, and the effect would deal damage, you may choose to replace Damage Type with your Avatar Damage Type.
This ability does not allow "mixing" of Stamina and Mana to pay for the same ability - choose one or the other when you use it. - When you reach 0 Mana, your shift out of your Avatar Form immediately. If this happens, you cannot adopt your Avatar Form again until after the end of your next turn.
- Alternatively, you may dismiss your Avatar Form as a Free Action during your turn, suffering no penalty.
You glow with the blinding light of your Patron, instilling awe in those around you. You gain the following effects:
- Light. You emit a bright light in the color of your choice, illuminating up to 500ft. away. You may dampen this effect at will, reducing it to 60ft.
- Reverence. You gain +1d6 on any social checks applied to friendly or neutral creatures. Has no effect on hostile creatures.
- Soul Balm. Allies that start their turn within 10ft. of you remove 1d4 points of any single damage type. (They choose which).
- Searing Wrath. Once per Round, when you deal Ardent Damage to a target, you may force it to make a Fortitude check against your Spell Save (Might+Knowledge+1/2CL), becoming Blinded for one Round on a failure. If they fail by 6 or more, they are Frightened for one Round as well.
- Ardent Resistance. If you would take Ardent Damage, reduce it to 1.
Your aspect becomes demonic and terrifying. You gain the following effects:
- Aura of Dread. Enemies that start their turn within 15ft. of you must make a Willpower check against your Spell Save (Might+Knowledge+1/2CL), suffering a -2 to their Attack Rolls for the turn on a failure.
- Damnable Presence. You gain +1d6 on any social checks that involve frightening, intimidating, or coercing a creature.
- Punishment. Once per Round, when a creature deals damage to you, you may use your Reaction to give it the Cursed condition for 1 Round.
- Hellfire. Once per Round, when you deal Infernal Damage to a creature, you may inflict an additional 1d4 Burning Damage.
- Infernal Resistance. If you would take Infernal Damage, reduce it to 1.
Your body adopts impossible features that strains reality and hurt to behold. You gain the following effects:
- Unknowable Visage. Creatures that perceive you in your Avatar Form cannot accurately describe the details of your appearance, but vividly remember your presence, the events that transpired, and your unspeakable wrongness. Unprepared NPCs may flee or react violently. Social checks, outside of aggressive interactions like intimidation, are almost impossible in this state.
- Beyond the Veil. You gain Veilsight in a radius of 30ft. around you.
While using Veilsight, your Passive Detection increases by +8.
Veilsight allows see in the dark (even magical darkness), through objects and creatures, through solid surfaces, around corners, detect invisible creatures or objects, glimpse into non-material planes that may be intersecting with yours at that location, and sense leylines, currents of magic, the ether, or other interdimensional forces if they are disturbed. - Impossible Geometry. Creatures that start their turn within 5ft. of you take 1 Eldritch Damage. Creatures you touch, or strike with a melee attack, take an additional 1d4 Eldritch damage.
- Bend Reality. Once per day, while in this form, you may touch a creature and remove 1d4+1 Afflictions of your choice from it, and replace them with the Eldritch Witness Affliction. This ability has no effect on a creature that already has the Eldritch Witness Affliction.
- Eldritch Resistance. If you would take Eldritch Damage, reduce it to 1.