Training Perks
If armor requires a Training Perk you don't have, wearing it incurs a -10ft. penalty to your Speed, and a -2 penalty to your Attack rolls.
If a weapon requires training you don’t have, you make attacks with it at a -4 penalty to hit.
Not all weapons and armor require training.
If a weapon requires training you don’t have, you make attacks with it at a -4 penalty to hit.
Not all weapons and armor require training.
Armor Training:
Melee Weapon Training:
Ranged Weapon Training:
Action Economy Perks
- Burst Action 1/2/3. You may use this Perk to spend 6 Stamina or Mana during your turn. If you do, you may take an additional action that turn. Once used, you cannot use this ability again until you complete a Rest.
You may take this Perk up to three times. Each time you do, you gain an additional use of it between Rests, except that each subsequent use between Rests costs +6 Stamina/Mana (i.e. 6, 12, 18).
Defensive Perks
- Unarmored Fighting. While wearing no Armor, your Armor increases by 2.
- Shield Bash. When you use a Shove Action while wielding a shield, you may spend 2 additional Stamina to add +1d4 to your contested Might Check. Whether you win or lose, you deal 2 Bludgeoning Damage.
- Shield Deflection. While wielding a shield, when you would take damage, you may spend 2 Stamina and your Reaction to prevent 2d4 points of Common Damage, or 1d4 points of Forceful Damage.
- Allied Defender. When a creature adjacent to you takes damage, you may use your Reaction to switch places with it, taking the damage instead. If you do, reduce the damage taken by 1d12 points.
- Enduring 1/2. When you roll on the Affliction Table, subtract 1 from the final result. You may take this perk up to twice (total -2).
- Indomitable 1/2/3/4/5. Increase your Toughness by +1. You may take this perk up to 5 times.
Combat Perks
- Brawler. Once per Round, when you make an Unarmed Attack, you may make another one immediately after the first as a Free Action.
- Slashing Weapon Mastery. When wielding a weapon that deals Slashing Damage, you deal an additional +1 Slashing Damage on a hit. Once per Rest, you can instead deal an additional +1d12 Slashing Damage.
- Piercing Weapon Mastery. When wielding a weapon that deals Piercing Damage, you deal an additional +1 Piercing Damage on a hit. Once per Rest, you can instead deal an additional +1d12 Piercing Damage.
- Bludgeoning Weapon Mastery. When wielding a weapon that deals Bludgeoning Damage, you deal an additional +1 Bludgeoning Damage on a hit. Once per Rest, you can instead deal an additional +1d12 Bludgeoning Damage.
- Unarmed Fighting Mastery. When dealing damage from an unarmed strike or natural weapons like claws or horns, you deal +1 Damage on a hit. Once per Rest, you can instead deal an additional +1d12 Damage.
- Sweet Science. The Critical Range of your unarmed or natural weapon attacks increases by 1.
- Deadly Pugilist 1/2/3. The first hit you make with an unarmed strike or natural weapon each Round deals +1d4 Damage. You make take this Perk up to three times, applying the bonus to the second and third hit respectively when you do.
- Melee Expert. You make melee weapon attacks with a +1 bonus to hit. If the weapon you are using requires training, you must be trained in it to receive this bonus.
- Ranged Weapon Expert. You make ranged weapon attacks with a +1 bonus to hit. If the weapon you are using requires training, you must be trained in it to receive this bonus.
Elemental Perks
- Caustic Adept. Whenever you deal Acidic Damage to a target, roll 1d12. On a 12, it immediately suffers Melting. This Check is in addition to any other Checks it has to avoid suffering Melting as a result of the damage.
- Firestarter. Whenever you deal Burning Damage to a target, you may roll 1d12. On a 10 or higher, the target also gains an Ignite Counter.
- Frostkeeper. Whenever you deal Freezing Damage to a target, you may roll 1d12. On a 8 or higher, its Speed is reduced by 5ft. until the end of its next turn. (Multiple instances of this effect do not stack).
- Thundercaller. Whenever you deal Shocking Damage to a target, you may roll 1d12. On a 6 or higher, all creatures within 5ft. of the target also take 1 Sonic Damage. The resulting thunderclap is audible up to 300ft. away.
- Abominable 1/2/3. This perk may be taken three times.
- Abominable 1: You cannot be Frozen. You can still suffer Freezing Damage.
- Abominable 2: When you take Freezing Damage from any source, reduce it by half, rounded down. If you would take 2 or less Freezing damage this way, reduce it to 0.
- Abominable 3: You are immune to Freezing Damage.
- Flamewalker 1/2/3. This perk may be taken three times.
- Flamewalker 1: When you take Burning Damage from any source, reduce it by 1d4.
- Flamewalker 2: When you take Burning Damage from any source, reduce it by half, rounded down. If you would take 2 or less Burning damage this way, reduce it to 0.
- Flamewalker 3: You are immune to Burning Damage. You may still be Ignited, but suffer no damage as a result.
- Stormward 1/2/3. This perk may be taken three times.
- Stormward 1: If you take Shocking Damage from any source, you may redirect 1 point of it to another target you can see within 5ft.
- Stormward 2: Increase the range of Stormward 1 to 10ft. and the damage redirected to 1d6 (you cannot redirect more damage than you take).
- Stormward 3: You are immune to Shocking Damage. You may redirect up to 1d12 Shocking Damage that hits you, but you do not suffer any damage from it.
- Unreactive 1/2/3. This perk may be taken three times.
- Unreactive 1: When you take Acidic Damage from any source, reduce it by 1d4.
- Unreactive 2: When you take Acidic Damage from any source, reduce it by half, rounded down. Your chance to suffer Melting is halved.
- Unreactive 3: You are immune to Acidic Damage, and do not suffer Melting.
Movement Perks
- Sprinter 1/2/3. When you take this perk, your speed increases by +5ft. You may take this perk up to three times.
- Swimmer 1/2/3. When you take this perk, your swimming speed increases by +5ft. You may take this perk up to three times.
- Climber. You climb at 2/3rds your speed, instead of 1/2.
Mana Perks
- Ether Siphon 1/2/3. As an Action, roll 1d12, and immediately gain that many Mana points. Alternatively, you may roll 4d4 and gain that much Mana, up to your capacity, but you then take half the amount gained as Ether Damage. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you complete a Rest. This perk may be taken up to three times. Each time it's taken, you get another use of this ability between Rests.
- Overdraw 1/2/3. As an Action, when your Mana is full, you may roll 1d8 and gain that much additional Mana above your capacity. You take Ether Damage equal to half the amount gained this way. You may take this perk up to 3 times, adding +1d8 each time you take it. You may choose how many d8 to roll when you use this ability.
- Charge Target Spell 1/2/3. When a willing creature you can see casts a spell, you may use your Reaction to spend any amount of Mana in increments of 5. For each 5 Mana you spend this way, you add +2 Mana to that spell, as if the casting creature had Upcast it. Alternatively, you may use this ability to grant a creature enough Mana to cast a spell that it otherwise would not have been able to afford. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you complete a Rest. This perk may be taken up to three times. Each time it's taken, you get another use of this ability between Rests.
- Bestow Power 1/2/3. As an Action, spend any amount of Mana in increments of 6. For each 6 Mana spent this way, you grant 2 Mana to a willing creature that you can touch, up to its Capacity. This perk may be taken up to three times. Each time it's taken, the increment drops by 1 Mana (6:2 > 5:2 > 4:2).
- Metabolic Conversion. As an Action, spend any amount of Mana in increments of 3. Gain 1 Stamina for each 3 Mana spent this way.
- Battlemage 1/2/3/4/5. When you make a Weapon Attack, you may cast a Spell as part of the same Action. The Spell cannot have a Mana cost higher than 2, and cannot be a Sustained spell. Limit once per round. This perk may be taken up to 5 times, increasing the Mana limit for the Spell by +2 each time. This perk does not stack with other effects (such as a Centaur's Charger feature) that allow multiple Actions to trigger under the same Action; if a character could have multiple such effects trigger, they choose one.
Spellcasting Perks
- Spellslinger 1/2. Whenever you make a Spell Attack Roll, add +1 to the result. This perk may be taken twice.
- Clutch Casting 1/2. Once per Rest, before you make a Spell Attack Roll, you can choose to have it automatically hit. If you take this perk a second time, you gain an additional use per Rest.
- Powerful Caster 1/2/3. The Spell Check Target for all of your spellcasting classes increases by +1. You may take this perk up to three times.
- Spellcatch 1/2/3/4. If a friendly creature within 10ft. of you would involuntarily lose their Sustained spell, you may use your Reaction to spend twice the Sustaining cost of the spell and maintain it until the start of your next turn. The effect ends at the start of your next turn regardless of any other factors, and cannot be re-caught by another creature with Spellcatch. This perk may be taken four times, increasing the range by +5ft. each time.
- Counterspell Expert 1/2/3. When you use the Counterspell Reaction, after you declare how much Mana you spend on the Counter, but before the GM tells you if it succeeds, add an additional +1 to your total. You must spend at least 1 Mana in order to gain this benefit. This perk may be taken up to three times, increasing the bonus by +1 each time.
Stamina Perks
- Dauntless 1/2/3. As an Action, spend any amount of Stamina in increments of 3. Remove 2d4 points of Common, Forceful, or Elemental Damage of your choice for each 3 spent this way. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you complete a Rest. This perk may be taken up to three times. Each time it's taken, you get another use of this ability between Rests.
- Impervious. As an Action, spend Stamina equal to half of your maximum capacity. If you are currently suffering from any of the following conditions: Dazed, Stunned, Frightened, Cursed, or Sapped, end them. You may use this ability once between Rests.
- Glorious Stand. You may activate this ability on your turn as a Free Action. Instantly regain Stamina up to your capacity. At the end of your next turn, gain the Dazed and Sapped Conditions for 2d6+2 Rounds. You may use this ability once between Rests.
Stat Perks
Basic Stat Perks:
- Athletic. Your Might increases by 1.
- Deft. Your Precision increases by 1.
- Tricky. Your Cleverness increases by 1.
- Studious. Your Knowledge increases by 1.
- Determined. Your Willpower increases by 1.
- Durable. Your Fortitude increases by 1.
- Mighty. (Requires Athletic). Your Might increases by 2.
- Precise. (Requires Deft). Your Precision increases by 2.
- Clever. (Requires Tricky). Your Cleverness increases by 2.
- Knowledgeable. (Requires Studious). Your Knowledge increases by 2.
- Willful. (Requires Determined). Your Willpower increases by 2.
- Fortitudinous. (Requires Durable). Your Fortitude increases by 2.
- Physical Prowess. (Requires Athletic & Deft). Your Might and Precision increase by 1.
- Mesmerizing Movement. (Requires Athletic & Tricky). Your Might and Cleverness increase by 1.
- Martial Artist. (Requires Athletic & Studious). Your Might and Knowledge increase by 1.
- Grit. (Requires Athletic & Determined). Your Might and Willpower increase by 1.
- Endurance. (Requires Athletic & Durable). Your Might and Fortitude increase by 1.
- Artesian. (Requires Deft & Tricky). Your Precision and Cleverness increase by 1.
- Craftsman. (Requires Deft & Studious). Your Precision and Knowledge increase by 1.
- Tactician. (Requires Deft & Determined). Your Precision and Willpower increase by 1.
- Implacable. (Requires Deft & Durable). Your Precision and Fortitude increase by 1.
- Sharp Mind. (Requires Tricky & Studious). Your Cleverness and Knowledge increase by 1.
- Relentless. (Requires Tricky & Durable). Your Cleverness and Fortitude increase by 1.
- Dogged. (Requires Tricky & Determined). Your Cleverness and Willpower increase by 1.
- Strategist. (Requires Studious & Determined). Your Knowledge and Willpower increase by 1.
- Mental Fortress. (Requires Studious & Durable). Your Knowledge and Fortitude increase by 1.
- Unrelenting Will. (Requires Determined & Durable). Your Willpower and Fortitude increase by 1.
Generic Spells
Any character, except Endmages, may learn a Generic Spell from the list below as a Perk choice. They are never subject to cost multipliers (as if they were part of your Major Class), but do require the spellcasting method (Verbal, Somatic, Focus) listed. Generic spells that require a Focus will list a specific Focus that may be different from the one(s) used by your other spellcasting classes.
General Utility
Whisper (1+)
Casting: Verbal Range: 50ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 1+ Mana Tags: Utility You indicate a specific creature within range. You must be familiar with the creature, or able to perceive it directly. You can speak in a whisper, and the creature hears you as if you were whispering into their ear. The whisper is audible to other creatures, but only if they are extremely close to the target. Upcast: For every +1 Mana spent on this spell, its range increases by 50ft. Amplify (2) Casting: Verbal Range: Self Use: Action Activation Cost: 2 Mana Tags: Utility You amplify your voice to booming proportions for 6 seconds, making yourself heard up to 500ft. away. Blend (4/4) Casting: Focus - a piece of sheer fabric knotted with a silver thread Range: Self Use: Action Activation Cost: 4 Mana Sustaining Cost: 4 Mana Tags: Utility, Stealth This spell makes you less likely to draw attention. You don't stand out from a crowd as easily, or can be mistaken for part of the environment at a casual glance. So long as you are Sustaining this spell, other creatures' Passive Detection is reduced by 4 for the purposes of noticing you. This spell has no effect against an active Search Action. Manifest Minor Elements (0) Range: Touch Use: Action Activation Cost: 0 Tags: Elemental, Evocation, Utility You manifest a small, harmless elemental effect at your fingertips, such as a frosting of a mug, a candle's worth of flame, sparks arcing between your fingers, or the cosmetic tarnishing (or removal of same) on a surface. These effects are not powerful enough to do harm, compromise structures, create ice bridges, or similar outcomes, but are suitable for minor acts on prepared items, like lighting torches or sparking kindling. |
Clean (1+)
Casting: Somatic Range: Touch. Use: Action Activation Cost: 1+ Mana Tags: Utility You remove one square foot of dirt, grime, filth, or other surface-level cosmetic contaminants from an object, creature, or surface you can touch. The soiling material is dissolved harmlessly, and the object looks, smells, and feels like it had been given a thorough scrubbing or bath. Upcast: The affected area increases by 1 square foot for each additional Mana spent. Minor Animation (2) Casting: Verbal Range: Touch, 15ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 2 Mana Sustaining Cost: 2 Mana Tags: Utility You bestow an object weighing no more than 5lbs. with animation. It can move at a speed of 15ft. and follows simple commands. It can perform tasks that do not require it to change its basic structure (for example, you could command a broom to sweep, but not to turn a doorknob or tie a knot). Animated objects do not move with enough force to do damage, and are easily brushed aside by other creatures. If an animated object is more that 15ft. away from you, its animation ends immediately. Protection (3) Casting: Verbal Range: Self Use: Action Activation Cost: 3 Mana Sustaining Cost: 3 Mana Tags: Utility, Defense A shimmering translucent bubble surrounds you while you're Sustaining this spell, deflecting incoming attacks. This barrier increases your Armor by +2 while its active. If you take damage from any source, the spell ends. Douse/Thaw (1+) Range: Touch Use: Action Activation Cost: 1 Mana Tags: Elemental, Evocation, Utility You control heat and water to mitigate damage. When you cast this spell, select one of the following effects:
Light & Illusion
Candlelight (1)
Casting: Somatic Range: Touch. Use: Action Activation Cost: 1 Mana Sustaining Cost: 1 Mana Tags: Utility, Light You produce a soft, flickering mote of energy that casts dim light in the color of your choice in a 15ft. radius. This mote can be carried in your hand, or affixed to an object or surface you touch. Magelight (1+) Casting: Somatic Range: 30ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 1+ Mana Tags: Utility, Light You create a bright, glowing orb of energy at a point within range. Choose whether it remains fixed in space, or is attached to an object or creature. It casts bright light for 30ft. and dim light for 60ft., in the color of your choosing. The light lasts for 1 hour per Mana spent, or until it is dismissed as a free action. The number of Magelights you may have active at one time is equal to your Character Level. |
Miniature Illusion (2)
Casting: Verbal Range: Self Use: Action Activation Cost: 2 Mana Sustaining Cost: 2 Mana Tags: Utility, Illusion You create a silent, illusory image in the palm of your hand, no more than six inches in any dimension. The spell can depict any image you choose, including detailed recreations of creatures or places. Throw Voice (2) Casting: Somatic Range: 30ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 2 Mana Tags: Utility, Illusion Pick a point within range that you can perceive. You speak a single word or make a short noise, and it seems to emanate from that point instead of your location. |
Repair (3/3)
Casting: Somatic Range: Touch Use: Ritual, 1 Minute Activation Cost: 3 Mana Sustaining Cost: 3 Mana Tags: Utility, Ritual Ritual. In order for this spell to work, you must spend 3 Mana, and then maintain its 3 Mana Sustaining Cost while meditating on the focus of the spell for one minute. You repair minor damage in a non-magical object or surface you can touch. This spell can fix holes, tears, join broken pieces, fuse cracks, and more. The damage can be no larger than 1ft. in any dimension, and you must remain in contact with the object for the entire duration of the spell. Upcast. You may instead spend 9 Mana to cast this spell as an Action. Insight (6/6) Casting: Focus - the object, creature, or place you are seeking insight on Range: Touch Use: Ritual, 10 Minutes Activation Cost: 6 Mana Sustaining Cost: 6 Mana Tags: Utility, Lore, Ritual Ritual. In order for this spell to work, you must spend 6 Mana, and then maintain its 6 Mana Sustaining Cost while meditating on the focus of the spell for one minute. To complete this Ritual, you must target a creature, object, or location. You must remain within 5ft. of the creature or object, or be present at the location, for the casting duration, or the spell fails. At the end of the Ritual, you may ask two questions from the following list. The GM has discretion as to how you receive the answers (an inner voice, a gut feeling, a physical sign, a vision, etc.), but will provide a truthful answer.
Call to Creature (15)
Casting: Focus (a coin in a stone bowl, filled with water). Range: 10 miles Use: Ritual, 10 Minutes Activation Cost: 15 Mana Sustaining Cost: 15 Mana Tags: Utility, Ritual Ritual. In order for this spell to work, you must spend 15 Mana, and then maintain its 15 Mana Sustaining Cost while meditating on the focus of the spell for ten minutes. To perform this spell, you focus on a specific creature that you are familiar with. If the spell succeeds, the coin in your focus will float to the surface of the water, indicating flipping to indicate one side or the other.
Familiarity vs. closest possible result. If you...
Call to Object (8) Casting: Focus (a coin in a stone bowl, filled with water). Range: 5 miles Use: Ritual, 10 Minutes Activation Cost: 8 Mana Sustaining Cost: 8 Mana Tags: Utility, Ritual Ritual. In order for this spell to work, you must spend 8 Mana, and then maintain its 8 Mana Sustaining Cost while meditating on the focus of the spell for ten minutes. To perform this spell, you focus on an inanimate object that you are familiar with. If the spell succeeds, the coin in your focus will float to the surface of the water, indicating flipping to indicate one side or the other.
Familiarity vs. closest possible result. If you...
WIP universal spells
These spells are in development, being tweaked behind the scenes before they go live, and/or being parked here as something coming down the line. Ignore for now, but it's kinda fun to peek behind the curtain, right? -Chris
manifest magic weapon
Ethersense (detect magic)
secret message
Walk on Water
Reduce Fall
Basic Transmutation
manifest magic weapon
Ethersense (detect magic)
secret message
Walk on Water
Reduce Fall
Basic Transmutation