GhoulExpected threat level: moderate (TL 19)
Hulking, malformed undead that form from the remains of cannibals exposed to powerful dark energy. Ghouls have an insatiable hunger for living flesh--any living flesh--and spend their wretched un-lives attempting to satisfy it. While they can show cunning when faced with an obstacle, they are driven by their hunger first, and will always revert to feeding when given the opportunity. The only time that Ghouls ever display restraint is when bound in the service of a powerful necromancer, or a greater monster who provides them with more than they can get themselves, though they will buck this control and turn on their master at the earliest chance.
VTT Tokens:
Tags: undead, humanoid
Tendencies: hunts relentlessly, seeking living meat. The first signs of a Ghoul incursion in a region are usually viciously butchered wildlife and livestock, or brutal murders that leave only mauled bones behind. Will occasionally band together in groups of 2-5 to increase their chances of bringing down prey, though will fight each other if not enough meat can be found.
Tactics: Ghouls will attempt to rush a single target and bring it down quickly to feed. A "healthy" Ghoul may fight to kill other threats before engaging in a feeding, but a damaged Ghoul will attempt to carry off whatever scraps it can, or even consume small nearby creatures like rodents, to recover slightly before returning to pursue a battle.
Senses: darkvision 120ft., hearing 300ft., other perception 120ft.
Tendencies: hunts relentlessly, seeking living meat. The first signs of a Ghoul incursion in a region are usually viciously butchered wildlife and livestock, or brutal murders that leave only mauled bones behind. Will occasionally band together in groups of 2-5 to increase their chances of bringing down prey, though will fight each other if not enough meat can be found.
Tactics: Ghouls will attempt to rush a single target and bring it down quickly to feed. A "healthy" Ghoul may fight to kill other threats before engaging in a feeding, but a damaged Ghoul will attempt to carry off whatever scraps it can, or even consume small nearby creatures like rodents, to recover slightly before returning to pursue a battle.
Senses: darkvision 120ft., hearing 300ft., other perception 120ft.
Health: 50
If Health is reduced to 0, this creature dies, regardless of how many Wounds it has.
Wound Threshold: 10
If creature takes this much damage in a single Turn, it suffers a Wound.
Number of Wounds: 4
If creature suffers this many Wounds, it dies instantly.
Grievous Wounds:
If this creature suffers a Wound as a result of the specified Damage Type below, it suffers the additional effect listed.
Each effect can be suffered only once.
( ) Ardent (1st): The Ghoul's Ravenous Bite only grants it +2 Stamina, and its Stamina Capacity is reduced to 5.
( ) Ardent (2nd): The Ghoul's Ravenous Bite no longer grants it any Stamina, and its Feral Hunger feature is removed.
If Health is reduced to 0, this creature dies, regardless of how many Wounds it has.
Wound Threshold: 10
If creature takes this much damage in a single Turn, it suffers a Wound.
Number of Wounds: 4
If creature suffers this many Wounds, it dies instantly.
Grievous Wounds:
If this creature suffers a Wound as a result of the specified Damage Type below, it suffers the additional effect listed.
Each effect can be suffered only once.
( ) Ardent (1st): The Ghoul's Ravenous Bite only grants it +2 Stamina, and its Stamina Capacity is reduced to 5.
( ) Ardent (2nd): The Ghoul's Ravenous Bite no longer grants it any Stamina, and its Feral Hunger feature is removed.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Slashing - Thick Skin. If a Ghoul would take Slashing Damage, reduce it by 3, to a minimum of 0.
Infernal Empowerment. If a Ghoul would take any amount of Infernal Damage, reduce it to 1. The next time it damages a creature with, it deals +1 Infernal Damage.
Ardent Weakness. If a Ghoul would take Ardent damage, add +2d4 to the damage total.
Infernal Empowerment. If a Ghoul would take any amount of Infernal Damage, reduce it to 1. The next time it damages a creature with, it deals +1 Infernal Damage.
Ardent Weakness. If a Ghoul would take Ardent damage, add +2d4 to the damage total.
Special Features
Feral Hunger. A Ghoul that reaches 0 Stamina gains +2 to its Attack rolls, and will pursue the nearest living creature regardless of other circumstances.
Bloodlust. The Ghoul gains +1 to its attack rolls against a target that is suffering the Bleeding or Impaled conditions.
Bloodlust. The Ghoul gains +1 to its attack rolls against a target that is suffering the Bleeding or Impaled conditions.
Slash. (Melee attack, 5ft. range, 1 target, +3 bonus to hit). Deals 1d4 Slashing Damage.
Ravenous Bite. (Melee attack, 5ft. range, 1 target. +5 to hit). Deals 1d6+4 Piercing Damage. When it hits a living creature with this attack, the Ghoul gains 2d4 Stamina.
Ravenous Bite. (Melee attack, 5ft. range, 1 target. +5 to hit). Deals 1d6+4 Piercing Damage. When it hits a living creature with this attack, the Ghoul gains 2d4 Stamina.
Advanced Actions
Frenzy (Cost: 3 Stamina). Make two Slash Attacks. If both hit the same target, make a Ravenous Bite attack against that target as part of the same Action.
Regenerate (Cost: 4 Stamina). The Ghoul recovers 10 Health.
Regenerate (Cost: 4 Stamina). The Ghoul recovers 10 Health.
Stamina Capacity: 9 Stamina Regeneration: 0 |
Mana Capacity: 0 Mana Regeneration: 0 |
Harvestable Loot (if trained):
-Ghoul Fangs x1d4, takes 1 minute to remove full set.
-Ghoul Liver, takes 10 minutes to harvest.
-Ghoul Fangs x1d4, takes 1 minute to remove full set.
-Ghoul Liver, takes 10 minutes to harvest.
Rot Amalgam
Expected threat level: High (TL 34)
When an outbreak of undeath hits a certain critical mass, the unstable necromantic energies involved can result in the spontaneous creation of a Rot Amalgam. These vile entities are described by some scholars as a type of "necromancy elemental" -- a coagulated manifestation of the feral will of the horde, animated and focused by the sputtering etheric energies of life and death. An Amalgam forms in any suitable dead flesh that is not already under the will of a greater entity. It will quickly draw more dead matter to itself, shaping its form from the body parts of the horde -- and its victims. Once suitably ambulatory, the Amalgam becomes a de-facto leader for the otherwise aimless undead around it, able to influence their actions on a level more akin to a hive-mind than a commander.
Tags: undead, necromancy
Tendencies: Rot Amalgams seek a perpetual cycle of slaying the living, improving their crafted form, and raising more undead. Amalgams have an alien intelligence, and display strategic thinking and problem solving. An Amalgam will sacrifice lesser undead in probing attacks so it can study defenses and gauge reactions, before deciding on its course of action and when to commit itself to an endeavor.
Tactics: Amalgams are rarely caught alone, and are most often found in the heart of a horde of lesser undead. They will throw waves of sacrificial pawns at a threat, seeking to wear it down through attrition or, at the very least, hamper their movements while it positions more powerful undead (including itself) to ruthlessly dispatch any who become isolated or hurt.
Senses: darkvision 3,000, other perception 500ft.
Tendencies: Rot Amalgams seek a perpetual cycle of slaying the living, improving their crafted form, and raising more undead. Amalgams have an alien intelligence, and display strategic thinking and problem solving. An Amalgam will sacrifice lesser undead in probing attacks so it can study defenses and gauge reactions, before deciding on its course of action and when to commit itself to an endeavor.
Tactics: Amalgams are rarely caught alone, and are most often found in the heart of a horde of lesser undead. They will throw waves of sacrificial pawns at a threat, seeking to wear it down through attrition or, at the very least, hamper their movements while it positions more powerful undead (including itself) to ruthlessly dispatch any who become isolated or hurt.
Senses: darkvision 3,000, other perception 500ft.
Health: 72
If Health is reduced to 0, this creature dies, regardless of how many Wounds it has. Wound Threshold: 11 If creature takes this much damage in a single Turn, it suffers a Wound. Number of Wounds: 6 If creature suffers this many Wounds, it dies instantly. |
Grievous Wounds:
If this creature suffers a Wound as a result of the specified Damage Type below, it suffers the additional effect listed. Each effect can be suffered only once. ( ) Ardent (1st): The next time the Amalgam would deal damage, it deals half the amount. ( ) Ardent (2nd): The Amalgam loses all of its current Mana. ( ) Ardent (3rd): The Amalgam's Aura of Death feature is disabled. Any Undead the Amalgam has created with its Animate Dead ability are destroyed. ( ) Burning (1st): The Amalgam only gains half as much Health from Rend Flesh and Assemble Form. ( ) Burning (2nd): The Amalgam loses all of its current Stamina. ( ) Burning (3rd): The Amalgam's Impervious to Pain feature is disabled, and its Stamina Regeneration is reduced to 1. |
Strengths & Weaknesses
Apex Monster (1). Once per day, when the Amalgam fails a check, it can choose to succeed as a Free Action. Alternatively, it may use this ability as an Action to remove all Conditions currently applied to it.
Impervious to Pain. Once per Round, the Rot Amalgam may choose to ignore a single damage die rolled against it as a Free Action.
Aura of Death. When a creature within melee distance of the Amalgam makes a roll on the Affliction Chart, it adds +1 to the result.
Impervious to Pain. Once per Round, the Rot Amalgam may choose to ignore a single damage die rolled against it as a Free Action.
Aura of Death. When a creature within melee distance of the Amalgam makes a roll on the Affliction Chart, it adds +1 to the result.
Charge & Slam. (Melee attack, 5ft. range, 1 target, +5 to hit). The Rot Amalgam must move at least 20ft. during this turn before using this ability. On a hit, target creature takes 2d6 Kinetic Damage.
Bone Claws. (Melee attack, 5ft. range, 1 target, +5 to hit). On a hit, target takes 1d10 Slashing Damage + 1d6 Infernal Damage.
Bone Claws. (Melee attack, 5ft. range, 1 target, +5 to hit). On a hit, target takes 1d10 Slashing Damage + 1d6 Infernal Damage.
Stamina Capacity: 9 Stamina Regeneration: 3 |
Mana Capacity: 15 Mana Regeneration: 4 |
Advanced Actions
Rend Flesh (Costs 5 Stamina). As part of this ability, the Amalgam makes three Bone Claws attacks against living creatures it can reach. For each attack that deals damage, it regains +4 Health.
Assemble Form (Costs 4 Stamina). As an Action, the Rot Amalgam can destroy a Medium or larger corpse it can touch. When it does, it regains 10 Health.
Howl of the Grave (Costs 8 Mana). All living creatures within 100ft. of the Amalgam that can hear it must make a Willpower Check, target 10, taking 2d6 Infernal Damage + 1d12 Sonic Damage on a failure or half as much on a success.
Animate Dead (Costs 5 Mana). The Amalgam targets a single humanoid or undead corpse it can touch. It reanimates as a Simple Undead creature, the type determined by rolling 1d4: 1: Dourling | 2: Risen Carcass | 3: Skeleton | 4: Zombie. This replaces all other types and stats for that creature.
Assemble Form (Costs 4 Stamina). As an Action, the Rot Amalgam can destroy a Medium or larger corpse it can touch. When it does, it regains 10 Health.
Howl of the Grave (Costs 8 Mana). All living creatures within 100ft. of the Amalgam that can hear it must make a Willpower Check, target 10, taking 2d6 Infernal Damage + 1d12 Sonic Damage on a failure or half as much on a success.
Animate Dead (Costs 5 Mana). The Amalgam targets a single humanoid or undead corpse it can touch. It reanimates as a Simple Undead creature, the type determined by rolling 1d4: 1: Dourling | 2: Risen Carcass | 3: Skeleton | 4: Zombie. This replaces all other types and stats for that creature.
Spark of Decay. An amorphous wisp of semi-coherent energy that is painful to touch unprotected. Disintegrates within 1d4 hours if not housed within a sealed vessel.
Vampire Scion (Advanced Monster Version)
Expected threat level: high (TL 26)
Scions had given decades of loyal service to their clans or progenitors, and been adopted as true kin. If they are not needed for duties close at hand, Scions are often sent forth to spread the influence and reach of their kindred into new territories. Scions are thus among the most common powerful vampires likely to be encountered by any save dedicated vampire hunters, though they are orders of magnitude less dangerous than their elder kin. (This monster also has a Simple version).
Tags: undead, humanoid, healing
Tendencies: Scions are often encountered while on a broader mission, and are unlikely to make their presence known if it can be avoided by guile, misdirection, or—failing that—throwing their lessers at a problem. When they must act, they do so with maximum lethality. Scions will quickly establish a safe haven for themselves far from daylight, and take pains to insure they are not caught in the open come dawn without a plan.
Tactics: If a Scion is fighting, it's because they know they have already been made. They will attempt to inflict the most Bleeding instances possible on those around them, sapping their foes' strength and maintaining an advantage through healing.
Senses: darkvision 3,000ft.
Tendencies: Scions are often encountered while on a broader mission, and are unlikely to make their presence known if it can be avoided by guile, misdirection, or—failing that—throwing their lessers at a problem. When they must act, they do so with maximum lethality. Scions will quickly establish a safe haven for themselves far from daylight, and take pains to insure they are not caught in the open come dawn without a plan.
Tactics: If a Scion is fighting, it's because they know they have already been made. They will attempt to inflict the most Bleeding instances possible on those around them, sapping their foes' strength and maintaining an advantage through healing.
Senses: darkvision 3,000ft.
Health: 60
If Health is reduced to 0, this creature dies, regardless of how many Wounds it has.
Wound Threshold: 12
If creature takes this much damage in a single Turn, it suffers a Wound.
Number of Wounds: 4
If creature suffers this many Wounds, it dies instantly.
Grievous Wounds:
If this creature suffers a Wound as a result of the specified Damage Type below, it suffers the additional effect listed.
Each effect can be suffered only once.
( ) Ardent (1st): The Vampire cannot use any ability that requires Mana until the end of its next turn.
( ) Ardent (2nd): The Vampire cannot use any ability that requires Mana until the end of its next turn. Its Mana Regeneration is reduced to 1.
( ) Ardent (3rd): The Vampire cannot use any ability that requires Mana until the end of its next turn. Its Mana Regeneration is reduced to 0.
( ) Piercing (1st): The Vampire gains +1 Impaled Counter, and cannot gain Health until it is removed.
( ) Piercing (2nd): The Vampire gains +1d4 Impaled Counters, and cannot gain Health until they are removed.
( ) Piercing (3rd): The Vampire gains +3d4 Impaled Counters, and cannot gain Health until they are removed.
If Health is reduced to 0, this creature dies, regardless of how many Wounds it has.
Wound Threshold: 12
If creature takes this much damage in a single Turn, it suffers a Wound.
Number of Wounds: 4
If creature suffers this many Wounds, it dies instantly.
Grievous Wounds:
If this creature suffers a Wound as a result of the specified Damage Type below, it suffers the additional effect listed.
Each effect can be suffered only once.
( ) Ardent (1st): The Vampire cannot use any ability that requires Mana until the end of its next turn.
( ) Ardent (2nd): The Vampire cannot use any ability that requires Mana until the end of its next turn. Its Mana Regeneration is reduced to 1.
( ) Ardent (3rd): The Vampire cannot use any ability that requires Mana until the end of its next turn. Its Mana Regeneration is reduced to 0.
( ) Piercing (1st): The Vampire gains +1 Impaled Counter, and cannot gain Health until it is removed.
( ) Piercing (2nd): The Vampire gains +1d4 Impaled Counters, and cannot gain Health until they are removed.
( ) Piercing (3rd): The Vampire gains +3d4 Impaled Counters, and cannot gain Health until they are removed.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Sanguine Aura. At the start of its turn, the Vampire gain +1 Health for each creature within 10ft. that is Bleeding, and those creatures take 1 Infernal Damage. The Vampires's maximum health is reduced by 10 each day it does not feed on blood.
Vampiric Regeneration. If the Vampire is within 5ft. of a creature that takes Common Damage, it regains 1d4 Health.
Ardent Vulnerability. If the Vampire would take Ardent Damage, that effect deals the maximum possible damage, and it cannot regain health by any means until the end of its next turn.
Sunlight Immolation. The Vampire takes 12 Ardent Damage, and gains 1 Ignited Counter if it starts its turn in Sunlight.
Vampiric Regeneration. If the Vampire is within 5ft. of a creature that takes Common Damage, it regains 1d4 Health.
Ardent Vulnerability. If the Vampire would take Ardent Damage, that effect deals the maximum possible damage, and it cannot regain health by any means until the end of its next turn.
Sunlight Immolation. The Vampire takes 12 Ardent Damage, and gains 1 Ignited Counter if it starts its turn in Sunlight.
Combo Attack: the Vampire makes two Slash attacks as part of the same action.
Slash. (Melee attack, 5ft. range, 1 target, +5 bonus to hit). Deals 1d6 Slashing Damage + 1d6 Infernal Damage. Creatures damaged by this attack gain 1 Round of Bleeding.
Bloodcall. All creatures that can see the Vampire and have the Bleeding condition must make a Contested Fortitude Check. Creatures that lose take 1d8 Infernal Damage and gain +1 Rounds of Bleeding.
Vampiric Bite. (Melee attack, 5ft. range, 1 target, +4 bonus to hit). Deals 2d8 Piercing Damage + 2d6 Infernal Damage. The Vampire gains half as much Health.
Slash. (Melee attack, 5ft. range, 1 target, +5 bonus to hit). Deals 1d6 Slashing Damage + 1d6 Infernal Damage. Creatures damaged by this attack gain 1 Round of Bleeding.
Bloodcall. All creatures that can see the Vampire and have the Bleeding condition must make a Contested Fortitude Check. Creatures that lose take 1d8 Infernal Damage and gain +1 Rounds of Bleeding.
Vampiric Bite. (Melee attack, 5ft. range, 1 target, +4 bonus to hit). Deals 2d8 Piercing Damage + 2d6 Infernal Damage. The Vampire gains half as much Health.
Advanced Actions
Slake Thirst (Cost: 8 Stamina). The Scion makes a Vampiric Bite attack against a target. If it hits, it deals maximum damage.
Boon to Kin (Cost: 2 Mana + 2 Stamina). The Scion deals 4d4 Slashing Damage to itself. All Vampire Spawn and Lesser Vampire Spawn within 30ft. of the Scion regain that much Health.
Tribute from Thralls (Cost: 5 Mana + 4 Stamina). The Scion instantly kills on Vampire Spawn or Lesser Vampire Spawn it can touch. It regains Health equal to the slain Spawn's maximum Health, and removes on Wound/Grievous Wound of its choice.
Mistform (Cost: 4 Mana). The Scion disappears in a cloud of mist, and reappears at a space it can see within 60ft. Its armor increases +1 until the start of its next turn.
Bewitching Gaze (Cost: 4 Mana). The Scion makes a Contested Willpower Check against a target it can see. If it wins, it may issue one of the following commands to the target, which must obey:
Boon to Kin (Cost: 2 Mana + 2 Stamina). The Scion deals 4d4 Slashing Damage to itself. All Vampire Spawn and Lesser Vampire Spawn within 30ft. of the Scion regain that much Health.
Tribute from Thralls (Cost: 5 Mana + 4 Stamina). The Scion instantly kills on Vampire Spawn or Lesser Vampire Spawn it can touch. It regains Health equal to the slain Spawn's maximum Health, and removes on Wound/Grievous Wound of its choice.
Mistform (Cost: 4 Mana). The Scion disappears in a cloud of mist, and reappears at a space it can see within 60ft. Its armor increases +1 until the start of its next turn.
Bewitching Gaze (Cost: 4 Mana). The Scion makes a Contested Willpower Check against a target it can see. If it wins, it may issue one of the following commands to the target, which must obey:
- Destroy. The victim uses its next available Action to make a weapon attack against a target the Vampire chooses.
- Approach. The victim uses its next available Action to move as close as it can to the Vampire.
- Flee. The victim uses its next available Action to move as far as it from the Vampire.
- Surrender. The victim is compelled not to avoid the Vampire's attacks. For one Round, the Vampire gains a +10 bonus to hit the victim.
Stamina Capacity: 10 Stamina Regeneration: 3 |
Mana Capacity: 8 Mana Regeneration: 3 |
Common Loot (GM's choice or Roll 1d6):
1. 3d20+50 SP. | 2. Lesser Vampire Fang x2 | 3. Potion of Healing (Unusual) | 4. Potion of Healing (Rare) | 5. 50+1d20 GP | 6. Roll twice on this table, re-rolling any repeats (including another 6).
1. 3d20+50 SP. | 2. Lesser Vampire Fang x2 | 3. Potion of Healing (Unusual) | 4. Potion of Healing (Rare) | 5. 50+1d20 GP | 6. Roll twice on this table, re-rolling any repeats (including another 6).