Ghostspark BladeRare (2,000 GP) | Reach: 5ft. | Damage: (1d8+1) | Slashing | One Hand
Intrinsic Properties
Magic Properties
Warhound SwordRare (1,800 GP) | Reach: 5ft. | Damage: (base) | Slashing | One Hand
Intrinsic Properties
Item Rarity Guide (Reference)
- 0-100GP | Mundane. Commonly available items, suitable for all levels.
- 100-500GP | Unusual. Niche, accessible with some searching or contacts. Character levels 3-5.
- 500-2,500GP | Rare. Treasured objects inaccessible to most. Rare items often have a storied history. Character levels 6-9.
- 2,500-50,000 | Very Rare. The coveted prizes of organizations and kingdoms, arms and armor of celebrated heroes, fabled artifacts lost to time. Very Rare items, or at the least their makers or wielders, are likely known to scholars and storytellers both. Character levels 10+
- 50,000-500,000GP | Legendary. Literal objects of legend, only a handful of which exist in a given culture's stories. Apex masterpieces of history's greatest artificers or enchanters. Whether they are real or not may be debated. Recovering one would be a quest for many, and succeeding would attract the attention of more. Character levels 13+
- 500,000-10,000,000GP | Mythic. Forged as boons and workings of primordial powers, or confluxes of universal events. Armor forged by smith-gods, blades woven from screams by arch-devels, a humble arrowhead that pierced the heart of a dragon queen and now burns eternally with lightless fire--each Mythic item is unique and (nearly) priceless.