In a Flash
Blink Mages use magic to manipulate the hidden ripples of reality, enjoying unmatched freedom of movement, personal pocket dimensions, and the ability to ignore most annoying staircases. In battle, a Blink Mage can teleport into and out of trouble, move their friends (or enemies) into more advantageous positions, or reposition items and objects more to their liking.
At Level 1, gain the following features:
Blink Disruption. In addition to the Verbal requirement for casting Blink Mage spells, one of the following effects occurs at your destination whenever you use a spell with the Teleport tag. Choose one:
Blink Disruption. In addition to the Verbal requirement for casting Blink Mage spells, one of the following effects occurs at your destination whenever you use a spell with the Teleport tag. Choose one:
- An audible noise of your choice, such as a thundercrack, electrical discharge, discordant note, or BAMF! of displaced air, emanates from the space your spell targets. The sound is detectable by all creatures within 30ft.
- A bright flash of light in the color of your choosing, visible up to 300ft. away, appears in the same space your spell targets.
- A powerful gust of wind rushes in toward your target space from all directions, reversing to billow outward as the spell ends. All creatures within 60ft. notice the direction, approximate point of origin, and unnatural behavior of the wind, even if they do not know the cause.
Reference Sheets. Add to your Character Packet for a printable quick-reference. Includes Specialization choices checklist for Major, cost multipliers for Minor/Influence.
Blink Mage Spells
Blink (2)
Range: 30ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 2 Mana Tags: Teleport, Movement You instantly teleport yourself to an unoccupied space you can see within range. This does not incur Opportunity Attacks. Transit (10*) Range: 100ft. Use: Action* Activation Cost: 10 Mana (5 if Charged) Tags: Teleport, Movement You instantly teleport yourself to an unoccupied space you can see within range. This does not incur Opportunity Attacks. Charged Casting: You may opt to use both of your Actions in the same turn to cast this spell. If you do, pick one:
Send (3) Range: Touch, 30ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 3 Mana Tags: Teleport, Utility Instantly teleport an object you can touch to an unoccupied space within range. You must be able to see the destination.
Tunnel (5+)
Range: Touch, 60ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 5+ Mana Tags: Dimensional, Utility Open a portal in the space you occupy, and another in a space you can see within range. Creatures can act through these portals as if there was no distance between them. This portal closes at the end of your next turn. Upcast: for every additional 3 Mana spent to activate this spell, the portal lasts an extra Round. Pocket (2+/1+) Range: Touch Use: Action Activation Cost: 2+ Mana Sustaining Cost: 1+ Mana Tags: Dimensional, Utility You create a small portal to a pocket dimension that only you can access. This pocket measures 1x1x1ft., contains no breathable air, and has an ambient temperature just below freezing. When you cast this spell, you may transfer an inanimate object into or out of the pocket as a free action. Creatures must move in or out of their own accord, or be forced in through other means. Normally, the opening to this pocket appears only long enough to transfer an object through it. You may opt to keep it open instead, tripling the Sustaining Cost as long as you do so. You may choose to dismiss the opening again at the end of one of your turns, without ending the spell, or reopen it at the beginning of a turn. The pocket only exists as long as you are Sustaining the spell. You may do so indefinitely, even through normal sleep and rest, so long as you always maintain enough Mana to do so. The spell ends if you are incapacitated or killed, or dismiss it as a free action at any time. Items inside the Pocket when the spell ends tumble out into a space beside you. The interior of the pocket has an Armor Class of 1, and 10 hit points per Character Level. A creature that reduces the pocket's HP to 0 makes a contested Willpower check against your Spell Save (Fortitude + Cleverness+1/2CL), ending the spell and breaking free to the nearest unoccupied space if it beats you. If you win, you restore half of the pocket's HP. The HP is halved again every time you win this check. Upcast: When you cast this spell, you may double the Activation and Sustaining costs of this spell to double the size of the pocket. This may be done multiple times (2/1=1x1x1, 4/2=2x2x2, 8/4=4x4x4, 16/8=8x8x8, 32/16=16x16x16...) |
Starting Equipment
If Blink Mage is your Major Class, you get the following equipment at level 1.
Armor & Clothing:
Adventuring Gear & Currency:
If Blink Mage is your Major Class, gain the features below as you reach the indicated levels.
Level 1 Basic Spellcraft. Choose 1 Generic Spell Perk. Level 2 Choose one:
Choose one:
Choose one:
Choose one
Choose one:
Choose one:
Choose one:
Choose one:
Choose one:
Choose one:
Level 13 Choose one:
Choose one:
Choose two:
Choose one:
Choose one:
Choose one:
Choose two:
Choose two. You may select the same option twice: