Heavy Metal
Knights are a fixture on many worlds. Whether they're noble paragons of virtue, cruel armored oppressors, local heroes, or military shock troops, the fabled "knight in shining armor" is an archetype oft repeated throughout the multiverse. From aloof lords to earnest do-gooders, adventurers who train in knightly traditions have a penchant for perseverance in the face of danger, leading from the front, and seeking tasks that need doing.
At level 1, gain the following features:
Armored Combat.
Armored Combat.
- You learn one Knight Stance of your choice from the end of this section.
- Then, choose either perk: Medium Armor Training - or - Heavy Armor Training
Knight Skills
Change Stance (0)
Range: Self Use: Action / Free Action Activation Cost: - Tags: Stance You adopt a stance you know from the list at the end of this section, or switch from one stance to another, gaining its effects. If you started your turn in a Stance, you may switch it to a different one you know as a Free Action. Cleave Through (3+) Range: Touch Use: Action Activation Cost: 3+ Stamina Tags: Attack, AoE As part of this skill, make a melee weapon attack against a target in your weapon's range. If it deals damage, you may deal half as much damage to another creature adjacent to the initial target that is also within your weapon's reach, so long as the attack would have beat its armor as well. (This skill cannot be combined with Careful or Power attacks). Upcast: For every additional 3 Stamina spent to use this skill, add +1 to the Attack roll and damage total. Parry & Riposte (4) Range: Touch Use: Reaction Activation Cost: 4 Stamina Tags: Attack, Defense When a creature you can perceive makes a melee attack against you, you may use your Reaction to contest it. You make a melee attack against the creature. Whichever attack rolls higher proceeds, damaging the target if it meets its Armor Class. You decide if you wish to Parry when the GM declares the attack, but before they roll. |
Call to Glory (6/3)
Range: 30ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 6 Stamina Sustaining Cost: 3 Stamina Tags: Ally, Buff Pick a creature you can see within range. So long as it can see you, and you are within melee combat distance of one or more enemies, that creature gains +1d4 on its Attack Rolls, and ignores the first point of damage it would take every Round. Declare Nemesis (7/4) Range: 100ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 7 Stamina Sustaining Cost: 4 Stamina Tags: Buff, Debuff Pick a creature you can see within range that you are not adjacent to. So long as you Sustain this effect, and the target can perceive you:
Unstoppable (4+) Range: Self Use: Reaction Activation Cost: 4+ Stamina Tags: Damage Reduction, Defense When you take damage, you may use your Reaction to reduce it by 1d4 points. Upcast: For every additional 4 Stamina spent on this skill, roll an additional 1d4. |
Starting Equipment
If Knight is your Major Class, you get the following equipment at level 1.
Armor & Clothing:
Adventuring Gear & Currency:
If Knight is your Major Class, gain the benefits below as you reach the indicated levels.
Level 1 Dueling Manual. You learn one additional Knight Stance from the list at the end of this section. Rigorous Training.
Level 2 Choose one:
Choose One: Bulwark. When you roll on the Affliction Table, you may choose to reduce the result by 1. Advanced Techniques. Learn one additional Knight Stance. Level 4 Choose one:
Choose one:
Choose One: Gloryhound. When you deal the finishing blow to an enemy, regain 1d6 Stamina. Infamous Heraldry. When you deal the finishing blow to an enemy, melee attacks against you suffer a -1 penalty to hit for the remainder of the Round. This effect stacks. Level 7 Choose one:
Choose one:
Knight Errant. Your reputation precedes you. You may add your Might or Fortitude score (your choice) to social checks (lying, intimidating, persuading, charming, flirting, etc.) so long as you are not concealing your identity. Flourish. When you roll a critical hit on a melee weapon attack, you may use the Cleave Through skill (without upcasting) for no additional Stamina cost. Level 10 Choose one:
Level 11
Knight Commander. You learn one additional Knight Stance. Uncommon Valor. When you upcast the Unstoppable skill, replace all the dice with d6's. Level 13 Choose one:
Choose one:
Choose one: Specialist. Learn one additional Knight Stance. Into the Fray. You gain an additional Reaction each round. Field of Honor. While you are sustaining the Declare Nemesis skill on a creature, you deal maximum damage the first time you strike it with a weapon attack. Afterward, it is immune to this effect for 24 hours. Level 16 Choose one:
Choose one:
Knight Codex. Learn one additional Knight Stance. Invincible. The first time you would suffer an Affliction each day, ignore it. This effect refreshes after a Rest. Level 19 Choose two:
Choose two. You may select the same option twice:
Knight Stances
Changing and Ending Stances: Once you adopt a stance, you may switch it using the Change Stance skill, or end it as a free action at the start of your turn, unless otherwise noted in the stance's description.
Stances end automatically if you are Knocked Down or Incapacitated.
Stances end automatically if you are Knocked Down or Incapacitated.
So long as you are in this stance, if you are in melee range of a creature and not adjacent to any other creature, it suffers a -2 penalty on Attack Rolls against you, and you gain a +1 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls against it.
So long as you are in this stance, your Speed is reduced by -10ft.
You suffer only half damage from Common and Forceful damage types.
You suffer only half damage from Common and Forceful damage types.
Inspiring Presence
So long as you are in this stance, allied creatures within 30ft. that can see you gain a +1 to their Attack and Damage rolls. Your Armor Class is reduced by 2.
So long as you are in this stance, you make melee weapon attacks with one die size smaller than normal (d12>d10>d8>d6>d4).
When you miss with a melee attack, you instead deal 1d4 Bludgeoning Damage. The target must be possible for you to strike (an incorporeal ghost, for example, would be unaffected).
Once per Round, you may spend 3 Stamina to increase this to 2d4.
This ability does not work with Unarmed Attacks.
When you miss with a melee attack, you instead deal 1d4 Bludgeoning Damage. The target must be possible for you to strike (an incorporeal ghost, for example, would be unaffected).
Once per Round, you may spend 3 Stamina to increase this to 2d4.
This ability does not work with Unarmed Attacks.
Shock Cavalry
So long as you are in this stance, your Speed increases by 5ft., but your Armor Class decreases by 2.
When you end your Movement in melee range of an enemy, if you moved at least 10ft. to do so, you may immediately make 1 Weapon Attack as part of the movement. If it hits, the target is Knocked Down in addition to your weapon's damage and other effects.
When you end your Movement in melee range of an enemy, if you moved at least 10ft. to do so, you may immediately make 1 Weapon Attack as part of the movement. If it hits, the target is Knocked Down in addition to your weapon's damage and other effects.
This stance has a Sustaining Cost of 10 Stamina.
You may not end this stance until you have 0 remaining Stamina.
So long as you are in this stance:
You may not end this stance until you have 0 remaining Stamina.
So long as you are in this stance:
- Your Stamina Regeneration is reduced to 0.
- All incoming damage is suspended. You note that it has been taken, how much, and any Affliction rolls or Conditions that should be gained as a result, but none of these affect you yet.
- When your Stamina reaches 0, you drop this stance and end any spells you are Sustaining. All suspended damage, Afflictions, and Conditions are immediately applied, you are Knocked Down, and if it is your turn, your turn ends. You may only take one Action during your next turn.
- Once you use this stance, you cannot do so again until you complete a Rest.