WIP - Morphic Dragon, Adult
Expected threat level: high to severe
Less intelligent or cunning than many of their cousins, Spitfire Dragons make up for their faults with ruthless ferocity and deadly physicality. Aggressive apex predators, an enraged adult Spitfire can lay waste to entire regions, though they possess at least enough rudimentary logic to understand that such behavior compromises their food supply if done to excess. Some scholars postulate that there is no reason, other than their extreme lethality, that a Spitfire could not be bartered or reasoned with like other Dragon species, but that eventuality remains purely hypothetical. Spitfire Dragon Lairs Spitfires prefer to nest in remote, defensible positions that are centrally located to expansive wilderness areas suitable for hunting. Mountain caverns surrounded by fertile forests or grasslands are a common choice, especially if the mountain is volcanically active. Spitfires perform minimal modification to their lairs beyond excavation of new chambers or collapsing areas that no longer suit them. These lairs are a series of blistering hot, smoke-filled chambers with minimal visibility, usually radiating outward from a central nest chamber. The nest chamber will be where the dragon spends most of its time, and will often have two or more entrances big enough to accommodate it, though all of them will be positioned so as to be easy to fill with dragon fire if it detects an intruder approaching. |
VTT Tokens:
morphic_dragon.zip | |
File Size: | 2137 kb |
File Type: | zip |
Spitfire Dragon Hoards
Spitfires hoard things that suit them, and discard anything that does not. Unlike other dragon lairs, adventurers are unlikely to find troves treasure within a Spitfire's lair--but this doesn't mean nothing of value finds its way there.
A common habit of these dragons is to fill a chamber with smoked (or charred) meat, and collapse it for later excavation. Because Spitfires can (and do) hunt nearly anything, these collections are often filled with rare and exotic reagents, hides, venoms, or other difficult-to-find materials, to the point that it can be "easier" to find certain rare components in a Spitfire's lair than it is to scour the surrounding territory for it. Everything from hydra fangs to dryad hearts to basilisk venom can be found preserved in a Spitfire's lair, if the dragon can be dispatched or distracted long enough to unearth it.
Spitfires whose territory also contains raw materials with potent physical effects (like vitality-bestowing fruit or enchanted waterways) may also have chambers dedicated to hoarding stockpiles for themselves, though this is dependent on the region. While coin and gem is scarce in a Spitfire's hoard, if the dragon has been confronted by humanoids before, it would not be uncommon to find magical items scattered among the lair, often not far from where their previous owners were incinerated.
Occasionally, a Spitfire will slay or drive off a competing dragon, and take its lair as its own. In such cases, a Spitfire's lair may indeed contain the pervious owner's hoard of gold, jewels, or other treasures, though the Spitfire will pay it little regard.
Spitfires hoard things that suit them, and discard anything that does not. Unlike other dragon lairs, adventurers are unlikely to find troves treasure within a Spitfire's lair--but this doesn't mean nothing of value finds its way there.
A common habit of these dragons is to fill a chamber with smoked (or charred) meat, and collapse it for later excavation. Because Spitfires can (and do) hunt nearly anything, these collections are often filled with rare and exotic reagents, hides, venoms, or other difficult-to-find materials, to the point that it can be "easier" to find certain rare components in a Spitfire's lair than it is to scour the surrounding territory for it. Everything from hydra fangs to dryad hearts to basilisk venom can be found preserved in a Spitfire's lair, if the dragon can be dispatched or distracted long enough to unearth it.
Spitfires whose territory also contains raw materials with potent physical effects (like vitality-bestowing fruit or enchanted waterways) may also have chambers dedicated to hoarding stockpiles for themselves, though this is dependent on the region. While coin and gem is scarce in a Spitfire's hoard, if the dragon has been confronted by humanoids before, it would not be uncommon to find magical items scattered among the lair, often not far from where their previous owners were incinerated.
Occasionally, a Spitfire will slay or drive off a competing dragon, and take its lair as its own. In such cases, a Spitfire's lair may indeed contain the pervious owner's hoard of gold, jewels, or other treasures, though the Spitfire will pay it little regard.
Might 13
Precision 6 |
Cleverness 6
Knowledge 3 |
Willpower 8
Fortitude 7 |
Speed: 30ft. (walking), 90ft. (flying)
Armor: 14 |
Size: Humongous
Type: Dragon
Detection: 10 |
Tags: dragon, fire, burning, ignite
Tendencies: The Spitfire will spend extended periods semi-dormant in its lair, slumbering for weeks or even months at a time and allowing prey to repopulate its hunting grounds. When active, all creatures fall into two categories for the Spitfire: food or threats. Food is to be hunted, threats are to be eliminated. Spitfires react with extreme hostility to any encroachment upon their perceived territory. This territory grows with the dragon's size, up to a hundred mile radius from an adult's lair.
Tactics: Low-threat targets will be dealt with efficiently so as to avoid exertion, for example surrounding a herd of deer with infernos so the dragon can wait for them to succumb and consume them. Dangerous targets, like other dragons, powerful humanoids, or organized armies, will be subjected to powerful hit-and-run blasts of fire, designed to winnow their strength away with minimal risk to the dragon. Only when the dragon believes it has a significant advantage will it engage such foes in close proximity. A cornered or surprised Spitfire will typically react with immolation, setting everything around itself ablaze in an attempt to destroy or, at the very least, disorient its attacker.
Senses: darkvision 900ft., keen hearing, keen sight, keen smell.
Tendencies: The Spitfire will spend extended periods semi-dormant in its lair, slumbering for weeks or even months at a time and allowing prey to repopulate its hunting grounds. When active, all creatures fall into two categories for the Spitfire: food or threats. Food is to be hunted, threats are to be eliminated. Spitfires react with extreme hostility to any encroachment upon their perceived territory. This territory grows with the dragon's size, up to a hundred mile radius from an adult's lair.
Tactics: Low-threat targets will be dealt with efficiently so as to avoid exertion, for example surrounding a herd of deer with infernos so the dragon can wait for them to succumb and consume them. Dangerous targets, like other dragons, powerful humanoids, or organized armies, will be subjected to powerful hit-and-run blasts of fire, designed to winnow their strength away with minimal risk to the dragon. Only when the dragon believes it has a significant advantage will it engage such foes in close proximity. A cornered or surprised Spitfire will typically react with immolation, setting everything around itself ablaze in an attempt to destroy or, at the very least, disorient its attacker.
Senses: darkvision 900ft., keen hearing, keen sight, keen smell.
Health: 220
If Health is reduced to 0, this creature dies, regardless of how many Wounds it has.
Wound Threshold: 18
If creature takes this much damage in a single Turn, it suffers a Wound.
Number of Wounds: 10
If creature suffers this many Wounds, it dies instantly.
Grievous Wounds:
If this creature suffers a Wound as a result of the specified Damage Type below, it suffers the additional effect listed.
Each effect can be suffered only once.
( ) Freezing (1st): The Dragon's Furnace Aura is disabled until the end of its next turn. Its Mana Regeneration is reduced to 7.
( ) Freezing (2nd): The Dragon's Furnace Aura is disabled for 1d4 turns, and it loses 2d10 Mana. Its Mana Regeneration is reduced to 6.
( ) Freezing (3rd): The Dragon's Furnace Aura is disabled. Its Mana is reduced to 0. Its Mana Regeneration is reduced to 5.
( ) Piercing (1st): The Dragon loses 5 Mana.
Creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Target=5 Might or Precision Check (creature's choice), taking 1d4 Burning Damage on a failure.
( ) Piercing (2nd): The Dragon loses 10 Mana, and cannot use Pyroblast or Blastbreath until the end of its next turn.
Creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Target=7 Might or Precision Check (creature's choice), taking 1d6 Burning Damage on a failure.
( ) Piercing (3rd): The Dragon's Mana is reduced to 0, and it cannot use Pyroblast or Blastbreath for 1d4 turns.
Creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Target=9 Might or Precision Check (creature's choice), taking 1d8 Burning Damage on a failure.
( ) Piercing (4th): The Dragon cannot use Pyroblast or Blastbreath.
Creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Target=11 Might or Precision Check (creature's choice), taking 1d10 Burning Damage on a failure.
( ) Slashing (1st): The Dragon's Flying Speed is reduced by -10ft.
( ) Slashing (2nd): The Dragon's Flying Speed is reduced by -10ft.
( ) Slashing (3rd): The Dragon's Flying Speed is reduced to 30ft.
( ) Slashing (4th): The Dragon's Flying Speed is reduced to 0.
If Health is reduced to 0, this creature dies, regardless of how many Wounds it has.
Wound Threshold: 18
If creature takes this much damage in a single Turn, it suffers a Wound.
Number of Wounds: 10
If creature suffers this many Wounds, it dies instantly.
Grievous Wounds:
If this creature suffers a Wound as a result of the specified Damage Type below, it suffers the additional effect listed.
Each effect can be suffered only once.
( ) Freezing (1st): The Dragon's Furnace Aura is disabled until the end of its next turn. Its Mana Regeneration is reduced to 7.
( ) Freezing (2nd): The Dragon's Furnace Aura is disabled for 1d4 turns, and it loses 2d10 Mana. Its Mana Regeneration is reduced to 6.
( ) Freezing (3rd): The Dragon's Furnace Aura is disabled. Its Mana is reduced to 0. Its Mana Regeneration is reduced to 5.
( ) Piercing (1st): The Dragon loses 5 Mana.
Creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Target=5 Might or Precision Check (creature's choice), taking 1d4 Burning Damage on a failure.
( ) Piercing (2nd): The Dragon loses 10 Mana, and cannot use Pyroblast or Blastbreath until the end of its next turn.
Creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Target=7 Might or Precision Check (creature's choice), taking 1d6 Burning Damage on a failure.
( ) Piercing (3rd): The Dragon's Mana is reduced to 0, and it cannot use Pyroblast or Blastbreath for 1d4 turns.
Creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Target=9 Might or Precision Check (creature's choice), taking 1d8 Burning Damage on a failure.
( ) Piercing (4th): The Dragon cannot use Pyroblast or Blastbreath.
Creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Target=11 Might or Precision Check (creature's choice), taking 1d10 Burning Damage on a failure.
( ) Slashing (1st): The Dragon's Flying Speed is reduced by -10ft.
( ) Slashing (2nd): The Dragon's Flying Speed is reduced by -10ft.
( ) Slashing (3rd): The Dragon's Flying Speed is reduced to 30ft.
( ) Slashing (4th): The Dragon's Flying Speed is reduced to 0.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Slashing - Thick Skin. If the Dragon would take Slashing Damage, reduce it by 1d12, to a minimum of 0.
Burning Immunity. The Dragon cannot take Burning Damage, and cannot become Ignited.
Legendary Metabolism. The Dragon removes 1d4 Poison Counters from itself at the start of each of its turns, if it has any.
Surefooted. The Dragon cannot be Knocked Down or moved against its will.
Apex Monster (2). Twice per day, when the Dragon fails a check, it can choose to succeed. Alternatively, it may use this ability as an Action to remove all Conditions currently applied to it.
Burning Immunity. The Dragon cannot take Burning Damage, and cannot become Ignited.
Legendary Metabolism. The Dragon removes 1d4 Poison Counters from itself at the start of each of its turns, if it has any.
Surefooted. The Dragon cannot be Knocked Down or moved against its will.
Apex Monster (2). Twice per day, when the Dragon fails a check, it can choose to succeed. Alternatively, it may use this ability as an Action to remove all Conditions currently applied to it.
Special Features
Furnace Aura. At the beginning of its turn, all creatures within 60ft. of the Dragon take 1 Burning Damage.
Essence of Fire. Every point of Burning Damage inflicted by the Dragon also inflicts 1 Ignite Counter. This is in addition to any counters gained normally from the damage.
Essence of Fire. Every point of Burning Damage inflicted by the Dragon also inflicts 1 Ignite Counter. This is in addition to any counters gained normally from the damage.
Claw. (Melee attack, 10ft. range, 1 target, +9 to hit). Deals 2d6+5 Slashing Damage.
Bite. (Melee attack, 5ft. range, 1 target, +4 to hit). Deals 4d8+4 Piercing Damage. Large or smaller creatures struck with this attack must make a Might or Precision Check (their choice) contested by the Dragon's Might. If they lose, their Speed is reduced to 0, and they are caught in the Dragon's maw, moving with it.
Bite. (Melee attack, 5ft. range, 1 target, +4 to hit). Deals 4d8+4 Piercing Damage. Large or smaller creatures struck with this attack must make a Might or Precision Check (their choice) contested by the Dragon's Might. If they lose, their Speed is reduced to 0, and they are caught in the Dragon's maw, moving with it.
- Creatures caught in the maw take 5 Piercing Damage at the start of their turn, and are automatically hit whenever the Dragon uses Pyroblast or Blastbreath, whether or not those attacks strike any other target. Caught creatures fail the Blastbreath Check automatically.
- Creatures repeat the Check at the end of their turn, freeing itself in the closest unoccupied space on a success. A creature that fails the Check twice in a row is consumed, taking 1d10 Burning + 1d10 Acidic Damage at the start of its turns.
- Consumed creatures can take Actions, but cannot move or see. They are ejected from the Dragon if it takes a Wound.
- An adjacent creature can attempt to free a creature caught in the maw with an Action. The caught creature immediately repeats the Check, adding the helper's Might to it. Failing an attempt made in this way does not count toward becoming consumed.
Advanced Actions
Pyroblast. (Costs 7 Mana) (Ranged attack, 120ft. Range, 1 target. +7 to hit). Deals 2d4+2 Burning Damage.
Blastbreath (Costs 12 Mana). Pick a target within 60ft. of the Dragon. A 5ft. wide stream of sticky, burning fuel shoots from the Dragon's mouth to the target, where it erupts into a 10ft.-radius fireball. All creatures caught in the stream or the fireball must make a Precision Check (target = 15), taking 4d6 Burning Damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. Creatures caught in the fireball radius take an additional 1d10 Explosive Damage on a failure, or half as much on a success.
Rend (Costs 6 Stamina). The Dragon makes two Claw attacks against a single target.
Tail Sweep (Costs 5 Stamina). This ability strikes a 15ft. cone adjacent to the Dragon. All creatures in the affected area must make a Precision Check (Target = 12), taking 2d10 Bludgeoning Damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. Creatures that fail the Check are Knocked Down.
Dustoff (Costs 4 Stamina, must be on the ground). All creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Might or Fortitude Check (their choice), target = 12. On a failure, they are pushed back 10ft. directly away from the Dragon, and are Knocked Down. The Dragon may move up to half of its current flying speed without invoking Opportunity Attacks.
Blastbreath (Costs 12 Mana). Pick a target within 60ft. of the Dragon. A 5ft. wide stream of sticky, burning fuel shoots from the Dragon's mouth to the target, where it erupts into a 10ft.-radius fireball. All creatures caught in the stream or the fireball must make a Precision Check (target = 15), taking 4d6 Burning Damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. Creatures caught in the fireball radius take an additional 1d10 Explosive Damage on a failure, or half as much on a success.
Rend (Costs 6 Stamina). The Dragon makes two Claw attacks against a single target.
Tail Sweep (Costs 5 Stamina). This ability strikes a 15ft. cone adjacent to the Dragon. All creatures in the affected area must make a Precision Check (Target = 12), taking 2d10 Bludgeoning Damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. Creatures that fail the Check are Knocked Down.
Dustoff (Costs 4 Stamina, must be on the ground). All creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Might or Fortitude Check (their choice), target = 12. On a failure, they are pushed back 10ft. directly away from the Dragon, and are Knocked Down. The Dragon may move up to half of its current flying speed without invoking Opportunity Attacks.
Stamina Capacity: 20 Stamina Regeneration: 7 |
Mana Capacity: 15 Mana Regeneration: 8 |
Harvestable Loot (if trained):
-3d20 Spitfire Dragon Scales, takes 5 minutes each to harvest
-4d10 Spitfire Dragon Fangs, takes 1 minute each to harvest
-2d10 gallons of Spitfire Dragon Fuel, takes 30 minutes to harvest. Must be contained.
-10% chance of salvaging a Dragon Heart, takes 30 minutes to harvest
-80% chance of harvesting each Dragon Eye, takes 5 mintues to harvest
-2d10 Spitfire Dragon Claws, takes 5 minutes each to harvest
-3d20 Spitfire Dragon Scales, takes 5 minutes each to harvest
-4d10 Spitfire Dragon Fangs, takes 1 minute each to harvest
-2d10 gallons of Spitfire Dragon Fuel, takes 30 minutes to harvest. Must be contained.
-10% chance of salvaging a Dragon Heart, takes 30 minutes to harvest
-80% chance of harvesting each Dragon Eye, takes 5 mintues to harvest
-2d10 Spitfire Dragon Claws, takes 5 minutes each to harvest
Spitfire Dragon, Adult
Expected threat level: Deadly (TL 76)
Less intelligent or cunning than many of their cousins, Spitfire Dragons make up for their faults with ruthless ferocity and deadly physicality. Aggressive apex predators, an enraged adult Spitfire can lay waste to entire regions, though they possess at least enough rudimentary logic to understand that such behavior compromises their food supply if done to excess. Some scholars postulate that there is no reason, other than their extreme lethality, that a Spitfire could not be bartered or reasoned with like other Dragon species, but that eventuality remains purely hypothetical. Spitfire Dragon Lairs Spitfires prefer to nest in remote, defensible positions that are centrally located to expansive wilderness areas suitable for hunting. Mountain caverns surrounded by fertile forests or grasslands are a common choice, especially if the mountain is volcanically active. Spitfires perform minimal modification to their lairs beyond excavation of new chambers or collapsing areas that no longer suit them. These lairs are a series of blistering hot, smoke-filled chambers with minimal visibility, usually radiating outward from a central nest chamber. The nest chamber will be where the dragon spends most of its time, and will often have two or more entrances big enough to accommodate it, though all of them will be positioned so as to be easy to fill with dragon fire if it detects an intruder approaching. |
VTT Tokens:
spitfire_dragon.zip | |
File Size: | 2517 kb |
File Type: | zip |
Spitfire Dragon Hoards
Spitfires hoard things that suit them, and discard anything that does not. Unlike other dragon lairs, adventurers are unlikely to find troves treasure within a Spitfire's lair--but this doesn't mean nothing of value finds its way there.
A common habit of these dragons is to fill a chamber with smoked (or charred) meat, and collapse it for later excavation. Because Spitfires can (and do) hunt nearly anything, these collections are often filled with rare and exotic reagents, hides, venoms, or other difficult-to-find materials, to the point that it can be "easier" to find certain rare components in a Spitfire's lair than it is to scour the surrounding territory for it. Everything from hydra fangs to dryad hearts to basilisk venom can be found preserved in a Spitfire's lair, if the dragon can be dispatched or distracted long enough to unearth it.
Spitfires whose territory also contains raw materials with potent physical effects (like vitality-bestowing fruit or enchanted waterways) may also have chambers dedicated to hoarding stockpiles for themselves, though this is dependent on the region. While coin and gem is scarce in a Spitfire's hoard, if the dragon has been confronted by humanoids before, it would not be uncommon to find magical items scattered among the lair, often not far from where their previous owners were incinerated.
Occasionally, a Spitfire will slay or drive off a competing dragon, and take its lair as its own. In such cases, a Spitfire's lair may indeed contain the pervious owner's hoard of gold, jewels, or other treasures, though the Spitfire will pay it little regard.
Spitfires hoard things that suit them, and discard anything that does not. Unlike other dragon lairs, adventurers are unlikely to find troves treasure within a Spitfire's lair--but this doesn't mean nothing of value finds its way there.
A common habit of these dragons is to fill a chamber with smoked (or charred) meat, and collapse it for later excavation. Because Spitfires can (and do) hunt nearly anything, these collections are often filled with rare and exotic reagents, hides, venoms, or other difficult-to-find materials, to the point that it can be "easier" to find certain rare components in a Spitfire's lair than it is to scour the surrounding territory for it. Everything from hydra fangs to dryad hearts to basilisk venom can be found preserved in a Spitfire's lair, if the dragon can be dispatched or distracted long enough to unearth it.
Spitfires whose territory also contains raw materials with potent physical effects (like vitality-bestowing fruit or enchanted waterways) may also have chambers dedicated to hoarding stockpiles for themselves, though this is dependent on the region. While coin and gem is scarce in a Spitfire's hoard, if the dragon has been confronted by humanoids before, it would not be uncommon to find magical items scattered among the lair, often not far from where their previous owners were incinerated.
Occasionally, a Spitfire will slay or drive off a competing dragon, and take its lair as its own. In such cases, a Spitfire's lair may indeed contain the pervious owner's hoard of gold, jewels, or other treasures, though the Spitfire will pay it little regard.
Might 13
Precision 6 |
Cleverness 6
Knowledge 3 |
Willpower 8
Fortitude 7 |
Speed: 30ft. (walking), 90ft. (flying)
Armor: 14 |
Size: Humongous
Type: Dragon
Detection: 10 |
Tags: dragon, fire, burning, ignite
Tendencies: The Spitfire will spend extended periods semi-dormant in its lair, slumbering for weeks or even months at a time and allowing prey to repopulate its hunting grounds. When active, all creatures fall into two categories for the Spitfire: food or threats. Food is to be hunted, threats are to be eliminated. Spitfires react with extreme hostility to any encroachment upon their perceived territory. This territory grows with the dragon's size, up to a hundred mile radius from an adult's lair.
Tactics: Low-threat targets will be dealt with efficiently so as to avoid exertion, for example surrounding a herd of deer with infernos so the dragon can wait for them to succumb and consume them. Dangerous targets, like other dragons, powerful humanoids, or organized armies, will be subjected to powerful hit-and-run blasts of fire, designed to winnow their strength away with minimal risk to the dragon. Only when the dragon believes it has a significant advantage will it engage such foes in close proximity. A cornered or surprised Spitfire will typically react with immolation, setting everything around itself ablaze in an attempt to destroy or, at the very least, disorient its attacker.
Senses: darkvision 900ft., keen hearing, keen sight, keen smell.
Tendencies: The Spitfire will spend extended periods semi-dormant in its lair, slumbering for weeks or even months at a time and allowing prey to repopulate its hunting grounds. When active, all creatures fall into two categories for the Spitfire: food or threats. Food is to be hunted, threats are to be eliminated. Spitfires react with extreme hostility to any encroachment upon their perceived territory. This territory grows with the dragon's size, up to a hundred mile radius from an adult's lair.
Tactics: Low-threat targets will be dealt with efficiently so as to avoid exertion, for example surrounding a herd of deer with infernos so the dragon can wait for them to succumb and consume them. Dangerous targets, like other dragons, powerful humanoids, or organized armies, will be subjected to powerful hit-and-run blasts of fire, designed to winnow their strength away with minimal risk to the dragon. Only when the dragon believes it has a significant advantage will it engage such foes in close proximity. A cornered or surprised Spitfire will typically react with immolation, setting everything around itself ablaze in an attempt to destroy or, at the very least, disorient its attacker.
Senses: darkvision 900ft., keen hearing, keen sight, keen smell.
Health: 220
If Health is reduced to 0, this creature dies, regardless of how many Wounds it has.
Wound Threshold: 18
If creature takes this much damage in a single Turn, it suffers a Wound.
Number of Wounds: 10
If creature suffers this many Wounds, it dies instantly.
Grievous Wounds:
If this creature suffers a Wound as a result of the specified Damage Type below, it suffers the additional effect listed.
Each effect can be suffered only once.
( ) Freezing (1st): The Dragon's Furnace Aura is disabled until the end of its next turn. Its Mana Regeneration is reduced to 7.
( ) Freezing (2nd): The Dragon's Furnace Aura is disabled for 1d4 turns, and it loses 2d10 Mana. Its Mana Regeneration is reduced to 6.
( ) Freezing (3rd): The Dragon's Furnace Aura is disabled. Its Mana is reduced to 0. Its Mana Regeneration is reduced to 5.
( ) Piercing (1st): The Dragon loses 5 Mana.
Creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Target=5 Might or Precision Check (creature's choice), taking 1d4 Burning Damage on a failure.
( ) Piercing (2nd): The Dragon loses 10 Mana, and cannot use Pyroblast or Blastbreath until the end of its next turn.
Creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Target=7 Might or Precision Check (creature's choice), taking 1d6 Burning Damage on a failure.
( ) Piercing (3rd): The Dragon's Mana is reduced to 0, and it cannot use Pyroblast or Blastbreath for 1d4 turns.
Creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Target=9 Might or Precision Check (creature's choice), taking 1d8 Burning Damage on a failure.
( ) Piercing (4th): The Dragon cannot use Pyroblast or Blastbreath.
Creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Target=11 Might or Precision Check (creature's choice), taking 1d10 Burning Damage on a failure.
( ) Slashing (1st): The Dragon's Flying Speed is reduced by -10ft.
( ) Slashing (2nd): The Dragon's Flying Speed is reduced by -10ft.
( ) Slashing (3rd): The Dragon's Flying Speed is reduced to 30ft.
( ) Slashing (4th): The Dragon's Flying Speed is reduced to 0.
If Health is reduced to 0, this creature dies, regardless of how many Wounds it has.
Wound Threshold: 18
If creature takes this much damage in a single Turn, it suffers a Wound.
Number of Wounds: 10
If creature suffers this many Wounds, it dies instantly.
Grievous Wounds:
If this creature suffers a Wound as a result of the specified Damage Type below, it suffers the additional effect listed.
Each effect can be suffered only once.
( ) Freezing (1st): The Dragon's Furnace Aura is disabled until the end of its next turn. Its Mana Regeneration is reduced to 7.
( ) Freezing (2nd): The Dragon's Furnace Aura is disabled for 1d4 turns, and it loses 2d10 Mana. Its Mana Regeneration is reduced to 6.
( ) Freezing (3rd): The Dragon's Furnace Aura is disabled. Its Mana is reduced to 0. Its Mana Regeneration is reduced to 5.
( ) Piercing (1st): The Dragon loses 5 Mana.
Creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Target=5 Might or Precision Check (creature's choice), taking 1d4 Burning Damage on a failure.
( ) Piercing (2nd): The Dragon loses 10 Mana, and cannot use Pyroblast or Blastbreath until the end of its next turn.
Creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Target=7 Might or Precision Check (creature's choice), taking 1d6 Burning Damage on a failure.
( ) Piercing (3rd): The Dragon's Mana is reduced to 0, and it cannot use Pyroblast or Blastbreath for 1d4 turns.
Creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Target=9 Might or Precision Check (creature's choice), taking 1d8 Burning Damage on a failure.
( ) Piercing (4th): The Dragon cannot use Pyroblast or Blastbreath.
Creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Target=11 Might or Precision Check (creature's choice), taking 1d10 Burning Damage on a failure.
( ) Slashing (1st): The Dragon's Flying Speed is reduced by -10ft.
( ) Slashing (2nd): The Dragon's Flying Speed is reduced by -10ft.
( ) Slashing (3rd): The Dragon's Flying Speed is reduced to 30ft.
( ) Slashing (4th): The Dragon's Flying Speed is reduced to 0.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Slashing - Thick Skin. If the Dragon would take Slashing Damage, reduce it by 1d12, to a minimum of 0.
Burning Immunity. The Dragon cannot take Burning Damage, and cannot become Ignited.
Legendary Metabolism. The Dragon removes 1d4 Poison Counters from itself at the start of each of its turns, if it has any.
Surefooted. The Dragon cannot be Knocked Down or moved against its will.
Apex Monster (2). Twice per day, when the Dragon fails a check, it can choose to succeed. Alternatively, it may use this ability as an Action to remove all Conditions currently applied to it.
Burning Immunity. The Dragon cannot take Burning Damage, and cannot become Ignited.
Legendary Metabolism. The Dragon removes 1d4 Poison Counters from itself at the start of each of its turns, if it has any.
Surefooted. The Dragon cannot be Knocked Down or moved against its will.
Apex Monster (2). Twice per day, when the Dragon fails a check, it can choose to succeed. Alternatively, it may use this ability as an Action to remove all Conditions currently applied to it.
Special Features
Furnace Aura. At the beginning of its turn, all creatures within 60ft. of the Dragon take 1 Burning Damage.
Essence of Fire. Every point of Burning Damage inflicted by the Dragon also inflicts 1 Ignite Counter. This is in addition to any counters gained normally from the damage.
Essence of Fire. Every point of Burning Damage inflicted by the Dragon also inflicts 1 Ignite Counter. This is in addition to any counters gained normally from the damage.
Claw. (Melee attack, 10ft. range, 1 target, +9 to hit). Deals 2d6+5 Slashing Damage.
Bite. (Melee attack, 5ft. range, 1 target, +4 to hit). Deals 4d8+4 Piercing Damage. Large or smaller creatures struck with this attack must make a Might or Precision Check (their choice) contested by the Dragon's Might. If they lose, their Speed is reduced to 0, and they are caught in the Dragon's maw, moving with it.
Bite. (Melee attack, 5ft. range, 1 target, +4 to hit). Deals 4d8+4 Piercing Damage. Large or smaller creatures struck with this attack must make a Might or Precision Check (their choice) contested by the Dragon's Might. If they lose, their Speed is reduced to 0, and they are caught in the Dragon's maw, moving with it.
- Creatures caught in the maw take 5 Piercing Damage at the start of their turn, and are automatically hit whenever the Dragon uses Pyroblast or Blastbreath, whether or not those attacks strike any other target. Caught creatures fail the Blastbreath Check automatically.
- Creatures repeat the Check at the end of their turn, freeing itself in the closest unoccupied space on a success. A creature that fails the Check twice in a row is consumed, taking 1d10 Burning + 1d10 Acidic Damage at the start of its turns.
- Consumed creatures can take Actions, but cannot move or see. They are ejected from the Dragon if it takes a Wound.
- An adjacent creature can attempt to free a creature caught in the maw with an Action. The caught creature immediately repeats the Check, adding the helper's Might to it. Failing an attempt made in this way does not count toward becoming consumed.
Advanced Actions
Pyroblast. (Costs 7 Mana) (Ranged attack, 120ft. Range, 1 target. +7 to hit). Deals 2d4+2 Burning Damage.
Blastbreath (Costs 12 Mana). Pick a target within 60ft. of the Dragon. A 5ft. wide stream of sticky, burning fuel shoots from the Dragon's mouth to the target, where it erupts into a 10ft.-radius fireball. All creatures caught in the stream or the fireball must make a Precision Check (target = 15), taking 4d6 Burning Damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. Creatures caught in the fireball radius take an additional 1d10 Explosive Damage on a failure, or half as much on a success.
Rend (Costs 6 Stamina). The Dragon makes two Claw attacks against a single target.
Tail Sweep (Costs 5 Stamina). This ability strikes a 15ft. cone adjacent to the Dragon. All creatures in the affected area must make a Precision Check (Target = 12), taking 2d10 Bludgeoning Damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. Creatures that fail the Check are Knocked Down.
Dustoff (Costs 4 Stamina, must be on the ground). All creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Might or Fortitude Check (their choice), target = 12. On a failure, they are pushed back 10ft. directly away from the Dragon, and are Knocked Down. The Dragon may move up to half of its current flying speed without invoking Opportunity Attacks.
Blastbreath (Costs 12 Mana). Pick a target within 60ft. of the Dragon. A 5ft. wide stream of sticky, burning fuel shoots from the Dragon's mouth to the target, where it erupts into a 10ft.-radius fireball. All creatures caught in the stream or the fireball must make a Precision Check (target = 15), taking 4d6 Burning Damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. Creatures caught in the fireball radius take an additional 1d10 Explosive Damage on a failure, or half as much on a success.
Rend (Costs 6 Stamina). The Dragon makes two Claw attacks against a single target.
Tail Sweep (Costs 5 Stamina). This ability strikes a 15ft. cone adjacent to the Dragon. All creatures in the affected area must make a Precision Check (Target = 12), taking 2d10 Bludgeoning Damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. Creatures that fail the Check are Knocked Down.
Dustoff (Costs 4 Stamina, must be on the ground). All creatures within 5ft. of the Dragon must make a Might or Fortitude Check (their choice), target = 12. On a failure, they are pushed back 10ft. directly away from the Dragon, and are Knocked Down. The Dragon may move up to half of its current flying speed without invoking Opportunity Attacks.
Stamina Capacity: 20 Stamina Regeneration: 7 |
Mana Capacity: 15 Mana Regeneration: 8 |
Harvestable Loot (if trained):
-3d20 Spitfire Dragon Scales, takes 5 minutes each to harvest
-4d10 Spitfire Dragon Fangs, takes 1 minute each to harvest
-2d10 gallons of Spitfire Dragon Fuel, takes 30 minutes to harvest. Must be contained.
-10% chance of salvaging a Dragon Heart, takes 30 minutes to harvest
-80% chance of harvesting each Dragon Eye, takes 5 mintues to harvest
-2d10 Spitfire Dragon Claws, takes 5 minutes each to harvest
-3d20 Spitfire Dragon Scales, takes 5 minutes each to harvest
-4d10 Spitfire Dragon Fangs, takes 1 minute each to harvest
-2d10 gallons of Spitfire Dragon Fuel, takes 30 minutes to harvest. Must be contained.
-10% chance of salvaging a Dragon Heart, takes 30 minutes to harvest
-80% chance of harvesting each Dragon Eye, takes 5 mintues to harvest
-2d10 Spitfire Dragon Claws, takes 5 minutes each to harvest