Potion of HealthMundane to Mythic | Potion
Tags: Healing Magic Properties
Potion of Endurance
Rare (180 GP) | Potion
Tags: Healing, Conditions
Magic Properties
Tags: Healing, Conditions
Magic Properties
- When you drink this potion, remove all Conditions currently affecting you.
Potion of Stamina
Mundane to Mythic | Potion
Tags: Stamina Capacity
Magic Properties
Tags: Stamina Capacity
Magic Properties
- You gain Stamina when you drink this potion. The amount depends on the rarity of the potion.
- You may exceed your maximum Stamina Capacity in this way. Points over your Capacity are temporary, must be spent first when you use Stamina, and do not stack with other Stamina-increasing effects (including more potions).
- Points of Stamina by rarity:
- Mundane (25 GP) - +3
- Unusual (100 GP) - +5
- Rare (250 GP) - 4+2d4
- Very Rare (1,200GP) - +12
- Legendary (25,000GP) - +15+1d20
- Mythic (250,000 GP) - +25+2d20
Potion of Vigor
Mundane to Mythic | Potion
Tags: Stamina Regeneration
Magic Properties
Tags: Stamina Regeneration
Magic Properties
- Your Stamina Regeneration rate increases when you drink this potion. The amount, and the duration of the effect, depends on the rarity of the potion. For the rarer variations, the amount of regeneration is variable—roll for it each round.
- Your maximum Capacity remains unchanged by this potion.
- Regeneration Increase (Duration):
- Mundane (25 GP) - +2 (1 Round)
- Unusual (100 GP) - +3 (1 Round)
- Rare (250 GP) - +3 (2 Rounds)
- Very Rare (1,200GP) - +2d4 (2d4 Rounds)
- Legendary (25,000GP) - +3d8 (3d8 Rounds)
- Mythic (250,000 GP) - +5d10 (5d10 Rounds)
Potion of Mana
Mundane to Mythic | Potion
Tags: Mana Capacity
Magic Properties
Tags: Mana Capacity
Magic Properties
- You gain Mana when you drink this potion. The amount depends on the rarity of the potion.
- You may exceed your maximum Mana Capacity in this way. Points over your Capacity are temporary, must be spent first when you use Mana, and do not stack with other Mana-increasing effects (including more potions).
- Points of Mana by rarity:
- Mundane (25 GP) - 1+1d4
- Unusual (100 GP) - 2+2d4
- Rare (250 GP) - 3+3d4
- Very Rare (1,200GP) - 6+4d4
- Legendary (25,000GP) - 12+6d4
- Mythic (250,000 GP) - 24+10d4
Potion of Arcanism
Mundane to Mythic | Potion
Tags: Mana Regeneration
Magic Properties
Tags: Mana Regeneration
Magic Properties
- Your Mana Regeneration rate increases when you drink this potion. The amount, and the duration of the effect, depends on the rarity of the potion. For the rarer variations, the amount of regeneration is variable—roll for it each round.
- Your maximum Capacity remains unchanged by this potion.
- Regeneration Increase (Duration):
- Mundane (25 GP) - +2 (1 Round)
- Unusual (100 GP) - +2d4 (1 Round)
- Rare (250 GP) - +3d4 (2 Rounds)
- Very Rare (1,200GP) - +2d6 (4 Rounds)
- Legendary (25,000GP) - +3d8 (8 Rounds)
- Mythic (250,000 GP) - +5d10 (16 Rounds)
Draught of Sleep
Mundane to Mythic | Potion
Tags: Sleep
Magic Properties
Tags: Sleep
Magic Properties
- A creature that drinks this potion must make a Willpower Check or fall asleep for 4 hours. The difficulty of the Check increases by the potion's rarity.
- Giant or larger creatures make the check with a +10 bonus.
- If the Draught is diluted into another beverage, subtract -3 from the Check Target.
- Drinking multiple Draughts of Sleep increases the difficulty of the check. Add 1/2 of the difficulty for each extra dose to the check target.
- Creature put to sleep by this potion wakes if it takes damage, or if another creature uses two Actions to rouse it.
- Check Difficulty:
- Mundane (40 GP) - Check Target 7
- Unusual (120 GP) - Check Target 9
- Rare (320 GP) - Check Target 13
- Very Rare (1300 GP) - Check Target 20
- Legendary (25,000GP) - Check Target 25. Target sleeps for an additional +10 hours, and cannot be woken by any means for 2d6 hours.
- Mythic (250,000 GP) - Check Target 50. Target sleeps for an additional +20 hours, and cannot be woken by any means for 6d4 hours.
Potion of Elemental ResistanceUnusual (250 GP), Very Rare (1,500 GP), Legendary (25,000 GP) | Potion
Tags: Damage Reduction, Elemental Magic Properties
Potion of Elemental ImmunityUnusual (250 GP), Rare (800 GP), Very Rare (2,500 GP), Legendary (18,000 GP), Mythic (100,000 GP) | Potion
Tags: Damage Immunity, Elemental Magic Properties
Item Rarity Guide (Reference)
(These prices are halved for consumables, like Potions).
- 0-100GP | Mundane. Commonly available items, suitable for all levels.
- 100-500GP | Unusual. Niche, accessible with some searching or contacts. Character levels 3-5.
- 500-2,500GP | Rare. Treasured objects inaccessible to most. Rare items often have a storied history. Character levels 6-9.
- 2,500-50,000 | Very Rare. The coveted prizes of organizations and kingdoms, arms and armor of celebrated heroes, fabled artifacts lost to time. Very Rare items, or at the least their makers or wielders, are likely known to scholars and storytellers both. Character levels 10+
- 50,000-500,000GP | Legendary. Literal objects of legend, only a handful of which exist in a given culture's stories. Apex masterpieces of history's greatest artificers or enchanters. Whether they are real or not may be debated. Recovering one would be a quest for many, and succeeding would attract the attention of more. Character levels 13+
- 500,000-10,000,000GP | Mythic. Forged as boons and workings of primordial powers, or confluxes of universal events. Armor forged by smith-gods, blades woven from screams by arch-devels, a humble arrowhead that pierced the heart of a dragon queen and now burns eternally with lightless fire--each Mythic item is unique and (nearly) priceless.