Petrifying Gaze. As an Action, you attempt to Petrify a creature that can see you. It makes a Fortitude Check against a target of (1d4+ your Character Level). If it succeeds, it is immune to this ability for 24 hours. If it fails, it begins to turn to stone. This process takes 1 minute (10 Rounds), and has three stages.
A creature you petrified can be cured using a balm made with drops of your own blood, which takes 10 minutes to brew, 10 minutes to apply, and 10 minutes to take effect. This balm has a 25% chance of working on a creature another Gorgon petrified, and a 10% chance of working on a creature petrified through other means. If it fails, repeated attempts will not change the result.
- 1-3 Rounds (first 18 seconds): the victim suffers 1d4 Bludgeoning Damage for every 5ft. it moves.
- 4-9 Rounds (19-54 seconds): the victim's speed is reduced to 10ft., it may only take one Action per round, and it cannot take Reactions.
- 10th Round (60 seconds): at the end of its turn, the victim solidifies into an inanimate stone statue.
A creature you petrified can be cured using a balm made with drops of your own blood, which takes 10 minutes to brew, 10 minutes to apply, and 10 minutes to take effect. This balm has a 25% chance of working on a creature another Gorgon petrified, and a 10% chance of working on a creature petrified through other means. If it fails, repeated attempts will not change the result.