Flavor Blurb
Elementalists wield fire, ice, lightning, and acid magic in displays of pure power. They are one of the most directly combative mage classes, with an arsenal of unique attack magic. But crafty spellslingers can find more subtle ways to employ their abilities; a well-timed spark can often accomplish more than a hasty fireball.
...Well. Sometimes. You still get the fireballs. Win-win.
...Well. Sometimes. You still get the fireballs. Win-win.
Elementalism is, in some ways, one of the purest disciplines of magic. Many have penned high-minded screeds about how the arcane must mesh with society, how magic should elevate us beyond the mundane strife and struggles of the world--but I find there are very few problems that cannot be solved with a lightning bolt.
--Krix the three-fingered, Grand Evoker of the Crimson Tower
At Level 1, gain the following features:
Elemental Aptitude. From the following list of Elemental Damage Types, choose one aptitude and one difficulty: Acidic, Burning, Freezing, Shocking.
If Elementalist is your Major Class, you gain access to extra spells unique to your aptitude when you reach levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18.
Elemental Aptitude. From the following list of Elemental Damage Types, choose one aptitude and one difficulty: Acidic, Burning, Freezing, Shocking.
- Spells that are tagged with your aptitude type cost one less Mana to Activate and Sustain (minimum 1).
- Spells tagged with your difficulty type cost one more Mana to Activate and Sustain.
If Elementalist is your Major Class, you gain access to extra spells unique to your aptitude when you reach levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18.
Class Spells
Manifest Minor Elements (0)
Range: Touch Use: Action Activation Cost: 0 Tags: Elemental, Evocation, Utility You manifest a small, harmless elemental effect at your fingertips, such as a frosting of a mug, a candle's worth of flame, sparks arcing between your fingers, or the cosmetic tarnishing (or removal of same) on a surface. These effects are not powerful enough to do harm, compromise structures, create ice bridges, or similar outcomes, but are suitable for minor acts on prepared items, like lighting torches or sparking kindling. Douse/Thaw (1+) Range: Touch Use: Action Activation Cost: 1 Mana Tags: Elemental, Evocation, Utility You control heat and water to mitigate damage. When you cast this spell, select one of the following effects: Douse. You remove 2d6 Ignite counters from a creature, or quench a 5x5x5ft. area of non-magical fire. Thaw. You remove the Frozen condition from a target, or melt a 5x5x5ft. area of non-magical ice into room temperature water. Upcast: you may spend +5 Mana to remove all Ignite counters from a creature, quench a 15x15x15ft. area of nonmagical flame, or flash-sublimate a 15x15x15ft. volume of ice into a similarly sized cloud of steam. The steam provides partial cover and dissipates in one round. Evoke Lesser Elements (2) Range: 15ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 2 Mana Tags: Attack, Elemental, Evocation Choose an Elemental Damage type and make a Spell Attack Roll (1d12+Knowledge) against a creature in range. On a successful hit, deal 3 Damage of the chosen type. |
Imbue Strike (3+)
Range: Self Use: Action Activation Cost: 3+ Mana Tags: Attack Buff, Elemental Choose an Elemental Damage type. The next time you hit a target with a weapon or unarmed attack, it deals an additional +1d4 Damage of the chosen type. If unused, this effect ends at the end of your next turn. Upcast: For every additional 3 Mana spent to activate this spell, add +1 Damage of the chosen type. Imbue Ammunition (4/4) Range: Touch Use: Action Activation Cost: 4 Mana Sustaining Cost: 4 Mana Tags: Buff, Elemental, Sustained You touch a piece of ammunition and choose an elemental damage type. As long as you are sustaining this spell, the ammunition deals an additional +1d6 damage of the chosen type. If the ammunition is more than 120ft. from you for more than 1 Round, this effect automatically ends. Imbue Melee Weapon (6+/2+) Range: Touch Use: Action Activation Cost: 6+ Mana Sustaining Cost: 2+ Mana Tags: Buff, Elemental, Sustained You touch a melee weapon and choose an elemental damage type. As long as you are sustaining this spell, the weapon deals an additional 1d8 damage of the chosen type. Upcast. For every +2/+1 spent on this spell, the weapon deals an additional 1d4 damage. |
Evoke Elements (2+)
Range: 15ft.
Use: Action
Activation Cost: 2+ Mana
Tags: Attack, Elemental, Evocation
Choose an elemental damage type, and pick a point within range. A stream of elemental energy jumps from your hands to the target, stopping if it hits an obstruction.
Creatures struck by this spell must make a Precision Check against your Spell Save (Knowledge + Might). Creatures or objects struck by this spell take 2d4 Damage of the chosen type if they fail the save, or half as much on a success.
Upcasting Modes. If you upcast this spell, you may choose additional upcast effects from the list below. You may choose more than one, but must pay a separate Mana cost for each.
Upcast (Finesse). For every +2 Mana spent on this effect, add 1 to the spell save difficulty.
Upcast (Power). For every +3 Mana spent on this effect, add +1d4 damage to the spell.
Upcast (Range). For every +2 Mana spent on this effect, add +10ft. to the spell’s range.
Upcast (Splash). With this effect, the spell also strikes creatures in spaces directly behind the first point of impact. Every +3 Mana spent on this effect increases the affected range another 5ft. This effect does not penetrate total cover.
Upcast (Sustaining). You may pay an additional +5 Mana to Activate this spell, giving it “Sustaining Cost: 4 Mana.” As long as you Sustain this spell, creatures struck by it repeat the save and take the damage again at the start of their turn.
If you applied additional Upcast effects other than Sustaining, you must repeat their mana cost at the start of your turn as if they were part of the sustaining cost.
At the start of your turn, if you are Sustaining this spell, you may move it to a new target for no additional cost.
Sustaining this spell requires at least one free hand.
Range: 15ft.
Use: Action
Activation Cost: 2+ Mana
Tags: Attack, Elemental, Evocation
Choose an elemental damage type, and pick a point within range. A stream of elemental energy jumps from your hands to the target, stopping if it hits an obstruction.
Creatures struck by this spell must make a Precision Check against your Spell Save (Knowledge + Might). Creatures or objects struck by this spell take 2d4 Damage of the chosen type if they fail the save, or half as much on a success.
Upcasting Modes. If you upcast this spell, you may choose additional upcast effects from the list below. You may choose more than one, but must pay a separate Mana cost for each.
Upcast (Finesse). For every +2 Mana spent on this effect, add 1 to the spell save difficulty.
Upcast (Power). For every +3 Mana spent on this effect, add +1d4 damage to the spell.
Upcast (Range). For every +2 Mana spent on this effect, add +10ft. to the spell’s range.
Upcast (Splash). With this effect, the spell also strikes creatures in spaces directly behind the first point of impact. Every +3 Mana spent on this effect increases the affected range another 5ft. This effect does not penetrate total cover.
Upcast (Sustaining). You may pay an additional +5 Mana to Activate this spell, giving it “Sustaining Cost: 4 Mana.” As long as you Sustain this spell, creatures struck by it repeat the save and take the damage again at the start of their turn.
If you applied additional Upcast effects other than Sustaining, you must repeat their mana cost at the start of your turn as if they were part of the sustaining cost.
At the start of your turn, if you are Sustaining this spell, you may move it to a new target for no additional cost.
Sustaining this spell requires at least one free hand.
Elemental Burst (12+)
Range: Self, Radius 5ft.
Use: Action
Activation Cost: 12+ Mana
Tags: AoE, Elemental, Evocation
Choose an elemental damage type. A blast of the chosen type erupts from your skin, striking all creatures within range. Affected creatures make a Precision check against your Spell Save (Knowledge+Might), taking 2d8 damage of the chosen type on a failure, or half as much on a success.
Upcast: for every additional 5 Mana spent to cast this spell, increase the save target by 2, and add 1d8 to the damage roll.
Elemental Wall (12+/7+)
Range: 10ft.
Use: Action
Activation Cost: 12+x Mana
Sustaining Cost: 7+X Mana
Tags: AoE, Elemental, Evocation, Sustained, Utility, Wall
To activate this spell, spend an additional X Mana (X may be any number you choose, including 0).
Choose an elemental damage type. A 5ft. wide, 10ft. tall wall of that element appears at a space within range (as a wall of fire, a cloud of freezing air, a geyser of acid, or a cloud of intermeshed lightning), and extends in 5ft. increments X times in the direction of your choice. The wall must be in a straight line in the direction you choose, and the segments must be contiguous. Only the starting point must be within the casting range of the spell.
When the wall forms, creatures in the affected spaces are displaced to the next closest space, on the side of the wall you choose if both options are available.
Creatures directly adjacent to the wall take 1d10 damage of the chosen type at the start of their turn. If a creature tries to pass through the wall, it instead takes 2d20+10 damage of the chosen type, and is Knocked Down in the nearest open space on the other side of the wall.
Latent Evocation (16+/2)
Range: Touch, Radius 10ft.
Use: Action
Activation Cost: 16+ Mana
Sustaining Cost: 2 Mana
Tags: AoE, Elemental, Evocation, Sustained, Trap
Pick an elemental damage type and touch target surface. Describe a trigger condition. The trigger may be a command from you, an elapsed time, proximity of a creature, or another set of circumstances you specify. Alternatively, you may use your Reaction to manually trigger the spell.
When triggered, a 10ft. radius elemental sphere erupts from the target. All creatures caught within it must make a Fortitude check against your spell save (Knowledge+Might), taking 3d10 damage of the chosen type on a failure or half as much on a success.
If you are Sustaining multiple latent evocations, you may trigger them simultaneously with the same Reaction if you wish.
You can Sustain latent evocations for as long as you remain awake and within 1 mile. You may choose to harmlessly dismiss them at any time as a free action. If you involuntarily lose Sustaining on them, each latent evocation has a 50/50 chance of dissipating quietly or triggering.
Upcast: For every +4 Mana spent to cast the spell, add 2 to the check target and +3 damage.
Range: Self, Radius 5ft.
Use: Action
Activation Cost: 12+ Mana
Tags: AoE, Elemental, Evocation
Choose an elemental damage type. A blast of the chosen type erupts from your skin, striking all creatures within range. Affected creatures make a Precision check against your Spell Save (Knowledge+Might), taking 2d8 damage of the chosen type on a failure, or half as much on a success.
Upcast: for every additional 5 Mana spent to cast this spell, increase the save target by 2, and add 1d8 to the damage roll.
Elemental Wall (12+/7+)
Range: 10ft.
Use: Action
Activation Cost: 12+x Mana
Sustaining Cost: 7+X Mana
Tags: AoE, Elemental, Evocation, Sustained, Utility, Wall
To activate this spell, spend an additional X Mana (X may be any number you choose, including 0).
Choose an elemental damage type. A 5ft. wide, 10ft. tall wall of that element appears at a space within range (as a wall of fire, a cloud of freezing air, a geyser of acid, or a cloud of intermeshed lightning), and extends in 5ft. increments X times in the direction of your choice. The wall must be in a straight line in the direction you choose, and the segments must be contiguous. Only the starting point must be within the casting range of the spell.
When the wall forms, creatures in the affected spaces are displaced to the next closest space, on the side of the wall you choose if both options are available.
Creatures directly adjacent to the wall take 1d10 damage of the chosen type at the start of their turn. If a creature tries to pass through the wall, it instead takes 2d20+10 damage of the chosen type, and is Knocked Down in the nearest open space on the other side of the wall.
Latent Evocation (16+/2)
Range: Touch, Radius 10ft.
Use: Action
Activation Cost: 16+ Mana
Sustaining Cost: 2 Mana
Tags: AoE, Elemental, Evocation, Sustained, Trap
Pick an elemental damage type and touch target surface. Describe a trigger condition. The trigger may be a command from you, an elapsed time, proximity of a creature, or another set of circumstances you specify. Alternatively, you may use your Reaction to manually trigger the spell.
When triggered, a 10ft. radius elemental sphere erupts from the target. All creatures caught within it must make a Fortitude check against your spell save (Knowledge+Might), taking 3d10 damage of the chosen type on a failure or half as much on a success.
If you are Sustaining multiple latent evocations, you may trigger them simultaneously with the same Reaction if you wish.
You can Sustain latent evocations for as long as you remain awake and within 1 mile. You may choose to harmlessly dismiss them at any time as a free action. If you involuntarily lose Sustaining on them, each latent evocation has a 50/50 chance of dissipating quietly or triggering.
Upcast: For every +4 Mana spent to cast the spell, add 2 to the check target and +3 damage.
If Elementalist is your Major Class, gain the benefits below as you reach the indicated levels.
Level 1 Basic Spellcraft. Choose 1 Generic Spell Perk. Level 2 Choose one:
At 3rd level, you gain the 3rd Level Specialist Spell (below) associated with your Elemental Aptitude selection. Example: if you selected Burning, you gain the Snapflash spell. If you selected Shocking, you get Static Repulsion, and so on. Level 4 Choose one:
Choose one:
At 6th level, you gain the 6th Level Specialist Spell (below) associated with your Elemental Aptitude selection. Level 7 Choose one:
Choose one:
At 9th level, you gain the 9th Level Specialist Spell (below) associated with your Elemental Aptitude selection. Level 10 Choose one:
Level 11
At 12th level, you gain the 12th Level Specialist Spell (below) associated with your Elemental Aptitude selection. Level 13 Choose one:
Choose one:
At 15th level, you gain the 15th Level Specialist Spell (below) associated with your Elemental Aptitude selection. Level 16 Choose one:
Choose one:
At 18th level, you gain the 18th Level Specialist Spell (below) associated with your Elemental Aptitude selection. Level 19 Choose two:
Choose two. You may select the same option twice:
Specialist Spells
If Elementalist is your Major Class, you gain additional spells based on your Aptitude choice when you reach their indicated level.
The listed Mana cost on these spells already accounts for your Aptitude discount.
The listed Mana cost on these spells already accounts for your Aptitude discount.
Aptitude: Acidic
3rd Level:
Caustic Spray (3+) Range: 15ft. Cone Use: Action Activation Cost: 3+ Mana Tags: Acidic, AoE, Attack, Elemental, Evocation All creatures in a 15ft. cone in front of you take 1d4 Acidic Damage and must make a Fortitude Check against your Spell Save (Knowledge+Might). Creatures that fail the save are immediately affected by the Melting condition. Upcast: For every additional 2 Mana spent to cast this spell, increase the target for the Fortitude Check by +1. 6th Level: Scour (7) Range: 30ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 7 Mana Tags: Acidic, Attack, Elemental, Evocation Pick a target within range and make a spell attack (1d12+Knowledge). On a hit, you blast the target with a gout of potent acid, inflicting the Melting condition. If a target would gain the Armor Compromised, Minor Affliction from this spell, it instead becomes Armor Compromised, Major. 9th Level: Acid Rain (12/8) Range: Self, Radius 30ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 12 Mana Sustaining Cost: 8 Mana Tags: Acidic, AoE, Elemental, Evocation, Sustained A noxious cloud roils outward from a point 15ft. above your head, roiling outward before dripping down as caustic mist. This spell cannot be cast without an open area at least 15ft. in diameter directly above you. Creatures that start their turn in the affected area immediately suffer 1d4+2 Acidic damage. You and any creature you designate are immune to this spell. |
12th Level:
Dissolve (14/7) Range: 60ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 14 Mana Sustaining Cost: 7 Mana Tags: Acidic, Attack, Elemental, Evocation, Sustained Make a spell attack roll against a target you can see in range (1d12+Knowledge). On a hit, inflict the Melting condition. So long as you continue to Sustain this spell, the target suffers the Melting condition again at the start of its turns. 15th Level: Liquefy (20+) Range: 60ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 20+ Mana Tags: Acidic, Attack, Elemental, Evocation Make a spell attack (1d12+Knowledge) against a target you can see within range. On a hit, deal 5d6 Acidic Damage. If the target dies as a result of this spell, the space it occupied and all adjacent (within 5ft.) spaces becomes a deadly puddle of caustic slime. Creatures move through this slime at half speed. When a creature moves into the slime, or starts its turn there, it takes 3d6 Acidic Damage. A creature that dies from touching the slime extends the slime-affected area in the same way as the first. The slime dissipates under flowing water or heavy rain. Otherwise it evaporates over the course of 24 hours. Upcast: For every additional 4 Mana spent to cast this spell, add +2 to the Attack roll. |
18th Level:
Sink (35)
Range: Self, Radius 100ft.
Use: Two Actions
Activation Cost: 35 Mana
Tags: Acidic, AoE, Attack, Elemental, Evocation, Transmutation
This spell must be cast on the ground.
When you cast this spell, you may choose to designate a 5ft. wide pathway of unaffected ground within the spell's radius. The path can take any route you wish, but must be contiguous.
The ground in the affected radius liquefies, converting into a putrid, caustic swampland. Creatures and objects sink 2-3ft. into the ground, sloshing through it as they move.
This spell's effect on the terrain is permanent.
Sink (35)
Range: Self, Radius 100ft.
Use: Two Actions
Activation Cost: 35 Mana
Tags: Acidic, AoE, Attack, Elemental, Evocation, Transmutation
This spell must be cast on the ground.
When you cast this spell, you may choose to designate a 5ft. wide pathway of unaffected ground within the spell's radius. The path can take any route you wish, but must be contiguous.
The ground in the affected radius liquefies, converting into a putrid, caustic swampland. Creatures and objects sink 2-3ft. into the ground, sloshing through it as they move.
- Moving through the sunken area on foot is done at half speed. Creatures take 1d4 Acidic Damage for every 5ft. moved this way. Swimming incurs 3d8 Acidic Damage instead.
- Any creature that is Knocked Down immediately takes 3d4 Acidic Damage.
- Any creature that is Incapacitated and completely submerged in the swamp dissolves after 1 Round.
This spell's effect on the terrain is permanent.
Aptitude: Burning
3rd Level:
Snapflash (1+) Range: 15ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 1+ Mana Tags: Burning, Debuff, Elemental, Evocation Target one creature in range. You throw a stream of bright, popping, firecracker-like explosions into its face to confuse and disorient. The target must make a Precision check against your spell save (Knowledge+Might) to avoid the sparks, becoming Blinded for one Round on a failure. If the target fails the check by five or more, it is instead Blinded for 1d4+1 Rounds. Upcast: For every additional 4 Mana spent on this spell, add 2 to the check's difficulty. 6th Level: Fireball (8+) Range: 60ft. + 15ft. Cone Use: Action Activation Cost: 8 Mana Tags: AoE, Attack, Burning, Elemental, Evocation You hurl a molten ball of fire at a target you can see within range. When it strikes, it explodes into a 15ft. cone, pointing directly away from you. All creatures within the cone make a Precision check against your spell save (Knowledge+Might). Creatures in the affected area take 2d4 Ignite counters, or half as many on a success. If the point of impact was also a creature, it takes an additional 2d4 Ignite counters. Upcast: For every additional 4 Mana spent on this spell, add 1d4 to each of the Ignite counter rolls. 9th Level: Firestorm (12) Range: 50ft., Radius 25ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 12 Mana Tags: AoE, Attack, Burning, Elemental, Evocation A cloud of burning embers trailing thick smoke rains down on a point in range, engulfing a 25ft. radius sphere. Visibility within the area is reduced to 10ft. When a creature starts its turn in the sphere, and for every 5ft. it moves within it, it rolls 1d4. On a 1 or 2, it takes 3 Burning Damage. The firestorm lasts for 3 Rounds. |
12th Level:
Immolate (15+/10) Range: 10ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 4+ Mana Tags: Acidic, Attack, Elemental, Evocation, Sustained Pick one creature within range. It makes a Fortitude check against your Spell Save (Knowledge+Might). It immediately gains 2d6 Ignite counters, or half as many on a successful save. As long as you are sustaining this spell, it repeats the save and gains more counters at the start of each of its turns. Creatures cannot be affected by more than one Immolate spell at a time. Upcast: For every additional 10 Mana spent to cast this spell, you may target 1 additional creature. 15th Level: Pyre (16/10) Range: 30ft., Radius 10ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 16 Mana Sustaining Cost: 10 Mana Tags: AoE, Attack, Burning, Elemental, Evocation, Sustained A column of fire erupts centered on one creature of your choice within range. It makes a Precision check against your Spell Save (Knowledge+Might). It takes 3d10 Burning Damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. If the creature failed the save, the column of fire is anchored to it, moving as it moves for as long as you Sustain the spell. If the column is not anchored, it stays in the space you cast it on. Any creature adjacent to the column at the start of its turn takes 1d10 Burning Damage, or 1d20 if it is in the same space as the column. Upcast: For every additional 2 Mana spent to cast this spell, increase the check's difficulty by 1. |
18th Level:
Vulcanism (30)
Range: 100ft., Radius 25ft.
Use: Two Actions
Activation Cost: 30 Mana
Tags: AoE, Attack, Burning, Elemental, Evocation, Transmutation
This spell must be cast on the ground. Choose a center point in range. A column of magma erupts onto the surface, engulfing a 25ft. radius around the center point.
Once you cast this spell, you cannot do so again until you complete a Full Rest.
This change to the terrain is permanent.
Vulcanism (30)
Range: 100ft., Radius 25ft.
Use: Two Actions
Activation Cost: 30 Mana
Tags: AoE, Attack, Burning, Elemental, Evocation, Transmutation
This spell must be cast on the ground. Choose a center point in range. A column of magma erupts onto the surface, engulfing a 25ft. radius around the center point.
- Creatures within 5ft. of the edge when this spell is cast must make a Precision check against your Spell Save (Knowledge+Might), moving outside of the radius on a success (so long as an empty space is within 5ft.)
- Creatures that start their turn within 5ft. of the magma pool immediately gain 1d6 Ignite Counters.
- Creatures that start their turn within the magma pool gain 12 Ignite Counters.
- The magma is dense enough to move across at half speed.
Once you cast this spell, you cannot do so again until you complete a Full Rest.
This change to the terrain is permanent.
Aptitude: Freezing
3rd Level:
Frost (3+/2+) Range: Self, Radius 10ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 3+ Mana Sustaining: 2+ Mana Tags: Aura, Freezing, Elemental, Sustained An area of bitter cold surrounds you. All other creatures that start their turn within the radius suffer 1 Freezing Damage. Upcast: for every +2 Activation / +1 Sustaining Mana spent on this spell, the radius increases 5ft. 6th Level: Ice Shards (10+) Range: 60ft., AoE (9 Spaces) Use: Action Activation Cost: 8 Mana Tags: AoE, Elemental, Evocation, Freezing Pick a space you can see, and up to eight more spaces contiguous to it. You may pick the same space multiple times, and all spaces must be within the spell's range. Razor sharp shards of ice crystalize in the air and fill the affected spaces, driven into a whirlwind by your magic. Any creature in an affected space makes a Fortitude check against your Spell Save (Knowledge+Might) and takes 1 Freezing damage for each time a space it occupies was selected. If a creature fails the save, it suffers a -10 Penalty against rolls to prevent it from becoming Frozen this round. Upcast: For each additional +4 Mana spent on this spell, it affects an additional space. 9th Level: Blizzard (12/8) Range: Self, Radius 20ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 12 Mana Sustaining Cost: 8 Mana Tags: AoE, Defense Buff, Elemental, Evocation, Freezing, Sustained A swirling storm of ice and snow surrounds you, obscuring you from view. You gain Significant Cover (+2 AC) from all creatures more than 5ft. from you. When other creatures enter the Blizzard's radius or start their turn there, they take 3d4 Freezing Damage, and their movement speed is reduced by 10ft. |
12th Level:
Flash Freeze (15+) Range: 15ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 15+ Mana Tags: Elemental, Evocation, Freezing Pick one creature within range. It makes a Fortitude check against your Spell Save (Knowledge+Might), becoming Frozen on a failure. Upcast: For every additional 2 Mana spent to cast this spell, increase the check's difficulty by 1. 15th Level: Cryoclasm (25+) Range: 60ft., Radius 5ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 25 Mana Tags: AoE, Elemental, Evocation, Freezing Pick a point within range that you can see. All creatures within a 5ft. radius sphere must succeed on a Fortitude check against your Spell Save (Knowledge+Might), taking 10 Freezing Damage on a failure or 1d10 Freezing Damage on a success. Any creature that must make a check against becoming Frozen as a result of this damage does so with a -5 penalty. Any creature that becomes Frozen as a result of this spell becomes the center point for a new casting of the spell (as if you had cast it again on that creature’s space). Upcast: For every additional 10 Mana spent to cast this spell, increase the affected Radius by 5ft. 18th Level: Entropic Freeze (30+) Range: Self, Cone 60ft. Use: Two Actions Activation Cost: 30+ Mana Tags: AoE, Elemental, Evocation, Freezing All creatures in a 60ft. cone in front of you take 15 Freezing Damage must make a Fortitude check against twice your Spell Save (2x(Knowledge+Might)). On a failure, they are immediately Frozen. Once you cast this spell, you cannot do so again until you complete a Full Rest. Upcast: For every additional 3 Mana spent to cast this spell, add +4 Freezing Damage. |
Aptitude: Shocking
3rd Level:
Static Repulsion (2+/1+) Range: Self, Radius 10ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 2+ Mana Sustaining: 1+ Mana Tags: Aura, Shocking, Defense Buff, Elemental You create a charged field that tampers with the path of projectiles. All Ranged Weapon attacks against you or a target in the radius are made with a -1d4 Penalty. If a creature within the radius is targeted with an attack or spell that deals Shocking damage, instead roll 2d4. If the result is even, subtract it from the attack roll. If the result is odd, add it to the attack roll. Upcast: For every +2 Activation Mana / +1 Sustaining Mana spent on this spell, the radius increases by +10ft. This spell has no effect on Area of Effect (AoE) attacks, or non-shocking magical attacks. 6th Level: Lightning Bolt (10+) Range: 120ft., Radius 10ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 10+ Mana Tags: Attack, Elemental, Evocation, Shocking Choose a target you can see within range and make a spell attack (1d12+Knowledge). On a hit, the target suffers 2d8 shocking damage. Hit or miss, all creatures in a 10ft. radius from the point of impact, including the target, suffer 1d4 Sonic damage. If you roll maximum shocking damage, increase the sonic damage to 8. Upcast: For each additional 3 Mana spent on this spell, add +2 Shocking Damage. 9th Level: Lightning Rod (12+) Range: Touch, 20ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 12+ Mana Tags: Attack, Elemental, Evocation, Shocking, Trap You conjure a spike of pure lightning magic and anchor it to the ground in a space adjacent to you. The spike takes a turn immediately after yours and acts on your command. You may direct the spike to attack a target in its range with a lightning bolt. It rolls 1d12+1 to hit, dealing 3 Shocking and 1 Sonic Damage on a successful hit. The spike has one Reaction per Round. When another creature enters the spike's range, you may have it use its Reaction to make an attack against it. The spike lasts until it makes 8 total attacks, you dismiss it as a free action, or until 10 minutes have elapsed. Special: You may cast this spell multiple times, but it costs an additional 4 Mana for each spike you have that is currently active. Upcast: For each additional 2 Mana spent to cast this spell, the spike gains another attack before dissipating. |
12th Level:
Chain Lightning (12+) Range: 100ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 12+ Mana Tags: Attack, Elemental, Evocation, Shocking Make a spell attack (1d12+Knowledge) against a target you can see within range. On a hit, deal 16 Shocking Damage to the target, then pick another target within 50ft. of the first target, and make another spell attack. If the second attack hits, it deals 8 Shocking Damage, and you pick another target within 25ft. of it. Repeat this process, halving the damage and range until the attack misses, there is no next target, or the damage would be less than 1. (Typical increments: 100ft/16dmg, 50ft/8dmg, 25ft/4dmg, 10ft/2dmg, 5ft/1dmg). Upcast: For every additional 2 Mana spent to cast this spell, add +1 to each Spell Attack Roll. 15th Level: Call Storm (20/5) Range: Self, Radius 300ft. Use: Action Activation Cost: 20 Mana Sustaining Cost: 5 Mana Tags: AoE, Elemental, Evocation, Shocking, Sustained Designate any creatures you wish to be immune to the effect of this spell when you cast it. You conjure a roiling storm cloud in the skies around you, which furiously rakes the area with lightning. This spell cannot be used in enclosed spaces, or where there is not at least 50ft of open air above you. Creatures in total cover, or that are swimming or burrowing, are unaffected. Creatures you do not designate as immune to this spell must spend twice as much Speed as usual to move toward you, or four times as much if they are flying. At the start of their turn, creatures you did not designate as immune roll 4d10, and suffer the below results.
18th Level:
Thunder Herald (30/10)
Range: Self
Use: Two Actions
Activation Cost: 30 Mana
Sustaining Cost: 10 Mana
Tags: Avatar, Buff, Elemental, Evocation, Shocking
You become an avatar of thunder and lightning. You can cast no other spells while under the effects of this one, and gain all of the following features:
Once you cast this spell, you cannot do so again until you complete a Full Rest.
Thunder Herald (30/10)
Range: Self
Use: Two Actions
Activation Cost: 30 Mana
Sustaining Cost: 10 Mana
Tags: Avatar, Buff, Elemental, Evocation, Shocking
You become an avatar of thunder and lightning. You can cast no other spells while under the effects of this one, and gain all of the following features:
- Immediately when you cast this spell, make a spell attack (1d12+Knowledge) against all hostile creatures within 15ft. of you, dealing 12 Shocking and 4 Sonic Damage to each hit.
- Your Mana Regeneration is reduced to 0.
- Your Stamina Capacity and Stamina Regeneration both increase by 10.
- You cannot dismiss this spell until you run out of Mana.
- This spell continues to affect you even within an Endmage or anti-magic aura, but the Sustaining Cost triples if you start your turn there.
- You gain a Flying Speed equal to triple your Walking Speed.
- At the start of your turn, make a spell attack (1d12+Knowledge) against all hostile creatures within 15ft. of you, dealing 12 Shocking and 4 Sonic Damage to each hit.
- You add twice your Knowledge score to all weapon attack rolls.
- You add twice your Might score in Shocking Damage to all weapon damage rolls.
- You are immune to all Elemental Damage.
- Whenever you take Common Damage from a source, reduce it to 1.
- You cannot become Ignited, Frozen, Stunned, Melted, Poisoned, or Knocked Down.
- If you would suffer an Affliction while in this form, you do not suffer it until this spell ends.
Once you cast this spell, you cannot do so again until you complete a Full Rest.